Chapter 32

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[Pikachu POV]

Me and Greninja raced through the city towards the city exit of route 16. The small spherical nothing which Ash me was a Teleball, short for teleportation pokeball. This was actually with all of Ash's Legendaries. He never caught them in pokeballs.

Teleballs have two components, a source-ball and a receiving-ball. The source-ball, that is with us, is given to the Pokemon and it automatically enters the Pokemon data to the trainer's Pokedex. The receiving-ball is used when you want to call the pokemon, so when the trainer uses the receiving-ball, the source ball blinks twice then the Pokemon is absorbed by it inside and then it is transferred to the receiving-ball through the radio waves. And the Pokemon appears out of the receiving-ball.

Anyway, why am I even talking to myself, as if someone is gonna read my mind. Anyway back to us racing, we ran through the main part of the city. After running for about half an hour we reached the gate of the city. Route 16, that would take is to Dendemille town. After that we would go through route 17.

We entered the forest at the route, and walked cautiously. Because no one knows what dangers may be lurking in the woods. As we moved we would come across smaller Pokemons which weren't much of attention, but hey what's a forest without wild and angry Pokemons. And I was right because we just encountered an angry Scizor.

He was chasing a group of Sewaddle, we both facepalmed together and looked at each other. "You wanna take him, or I do?" I asked, "Nah, it's fine I'll do it." He replied and stepped forward. He called out to that Scizor.

"Hey you!" He yelled the Scizor stopped chasing those little Innoscents and looked towards Greninja. "Who?" He asked confused, "You dare to challenge me? You shall know that I'm the king of this forest. No one can defeat me." He spoke with pride. "Yeah, no kidding, but you're gonna taste failure today." Greninja said softly, this was enough to trigger Scizor and he activated METAL CLAWS and dashed in his direction. Greninja on the other hand waited patiently and when the time came he jumped and flipped and activated AERIAL ACE and rammed it in his back. Welp that was super effective. Scizor slammed into a tree and took some time getting up, he was now even more angry and let out a cry. Suddenly a holographic helix appeared in front of him and he evolved in his Mega form. Man, that's crazy!

Anyways, what I little mega evolution would do to Ash-greninja. That battle didn't even last five minutes and Scizor was out cold. I patted on Greninja's back, "Good job there buddy. Now let's move ahead." I said and we both continued on our way to Zygarde's cave.

We walked for a  days and few hours and we had finally reached Dendemille town. We went to the Pokemon centre for some checkup and got some berries from the store. And now we are sitting on a bench in a park eating the berries and talking to Ash through Greninja.

"He says that we have to go to the East gate of the city. That connects us to route 17." Greninja told, I nodded. "Alright, we're on it." I told, Greninja then said goodbye to Ash and was back here. "So the East gate it is, huh?" He asked, "uh huh, and that would be….. in that direction!" I said pointing to the building behind the park. "Okay, so let's get-", "Mommy look! A Pikachu!" Greninja was cut short by a small girl at a distance, she was with her mom and was looking with excited expression at me. "O my God! Not again!" I whispered with a bored expression. Greninja merely looked between me and that girl.

She dragged her mom to us and was now standing a few feet away from us. "Can I touch it? Pleeeease?" She requested desperately, her mom looked nervously at Greninja. "I don't know sweet heart, that Greninja looks he's looking after that lost Pikachu." She spoke. What? Do I look like a lost Pokemon? C'mon..

Then Greninja did something he'd regret later, he gestured to the lady that it was fine to touch me. Then the inevitable happened, the girl came running to me and squeezed between her chubby arms. "Its so cute! Mom can we have a Pikachu too!? I promise I'll take care off it." She asked her mom while killing the living daylight out of me. Greninja just sat there and watched me.

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