chapter 4

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[Ash POV]

when I came out of the room, me and Pikachu head to professor Oak's office to enquire about the S-class pass. when we reached there I asked his secretary to let us in, she nodded and told us to wait while she asks him. we waited for her to come back and let us meet him, after awhile she came out and gestured me to go in.

me and pikachu entered the office. professor was sitting in an arm chair behind his table. he offered me a seat. I sat opposite of him with pikachu on my lap.

"hey professor I wanted to ask you about this thing.." I said taking out the pass from my pocket. he looked at the pass and smiled at me. "Ash, you see I gave you this S-class pass because I know how much you have achieved till now and you deserve the special facilities of the school since now you are studying here." he told me. "I still remember the day, 6 years ago when you came to receive your first Pokemon. even though you were late that day and got this pikachu instead of the original starters, yet I believed in you that you can achieve much more that any other trainer, and you sure did... that's why I gave you this special place in this school along with the five girls, Misty, may, Dawn, Iris and Serena...and I have another task for you but I'll tell it to you later." he explained me.

"thank you professor, I accept your thoughts... but now I want to ask the question which i really came for?" I said while smiling. "anything for you Ash, just go ahead." he said. "so it's related with my greninja.." I said while releasing him from his pokeball." you see it happens with us really often... it's when we are battles and get really pumped up, something really wierd happens..... it's like both me and Greninja are synched together. greninja changes his form and has a look similar to me. our thoughts, actions and powers get connected and we both happen to battle together. whenever Greninja gets a hit, I can feel the pain and I can communicate with him through thoughts." I explained all the events to him. he seemed to be really suspicious about this power in us.

"Ash, it looks to me really amazing... I need to research on this, I will need your greninja for this... will you give him?" he asked me. "of course, you can have him, isn't it Greninja?" I reply while smiling at Greninja. "Gren." Greninja also nodded. I hand over his pokeball to professor. "thank you professor for your help, inform me as soon as you get the information about him." I say and get up from my seat. "sure, thanks for telling me."he replied and we shake or hand then I leave the office to get back my bag from the room in cafeteria.

I walk into the room and find the five girls near my bag. they all looked at me in fear with wide eyes. then I notice the blue haired girl holding my Pokedex in her hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked them in a really suspicious voice. I was really angry at their actions of peeking in others stuff.

"Erm.... We a-actually... uhh..." a girl with honey blonde hair tried to speak something, but nothing came out. "We were doing n-nothing really believe us." the purple haired girl said. I was staring at them with anger increasing in me. "Really... tell me the truth.. or I will have to talk to professor Oak about your behavior." I said almost yelling at them in madness.

"ohh... well we aren't planning to steal anything, please believe us...." Misty spoke." yeah we were just....uhmm... seeing your...." the blue haired girl holding my Pokedex Said while shivering in fright."... you know.... ermm...poke-d-dex. j-just that's all." I could see the terror in their voice when they spoke. "WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD SEE ANYONE'S BAG OR POKEDEX WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION. you are coming to the principal's office now..." I shouted at them making them filch in fear. I moved forward and snatched my bag and Pokedex from their hands. while I was checking my bag and packing it, I mumbled many words from my mouth in anger.

"I don't believe it..... there could be such type of students in this school.... the ones who call themselves the 'S-CLASS' students..... and they were doing such cheap act." I said those things to them until they're eyes were filled up with tears of sorry. "Now follow me to the principal's office, we are having a serious talk on this cheap act of yours." I said staring the five girls, who were almost at the verge of crying.

I turned around and started walking to the principal's office, but they all caught my hand tightly and pleased me to forgive them for their sins.

"please Ash forgive us...."the brown haired girls said holding my hand while tears fell from her eyes."Yes... we won't do such thing ever again..."Misty said, her eyes were sore red from crying.

"well, you should have thought this before doing the work... now it's no use of asking sorry, you all are going to the office with me NOW!!" I said yelling the last word. I tried to move out to the door, but all of them came in front of me and stopped me by holding me in a group hug.

"please Ash..."the honey blonde girl said."just this once..."the purple haired girl said. I tried to be harsh on then but they all were so sad and sorry for their act, so I decided to go loose on them. "okay, but only on one reason." I said in a little calm voice.

"Huh?!" they all reacted in unison. "you'll have to give me a perfect 5 on 1 battle, even though you are going to lose. understand?" I asked them, and they responded by nodding as their face cheered up.

"Thank you, Ash" they all said together and tackled me with their hug. I sweat dropped at their reaction while they still held onto me in their tight hug.

"Now, if you are back to normal... please let go of me..." as soon as I said that, they all let go of me and stared down on the floor in embarrassment, their cheeks began to turn red.

At their reaction, I couldn't hold myself but giggle a little, but kept my serious face then I noticed the time." OH MY GOD! well we lost track of time and it's almost time for seventh class... I missed two classes on my first day... what worse Could happen." I quickly took my bag and dashed to the door and swung the door open, but before leaving I turned to the girls and said "We'll have our battle tomorrow during first class, I'll talk to professor Oak for the permission." I closed the door and head of to seventh class.

To be continued...

I would like to thank one person, who has inspired me to write this story even more.

I really like it that my story is being liked by the readers. So thank you,
30000a. Thanks for reading.

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