Chapter 20

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[Serena POV]

I looked at the diary closely and found out it was Ash's. It was his memorable experiences that he wrote in them. I wanted to see out but then I thought it would not be good, and with that I put it back.

I sat there a little longer when the door opened, I turned around and saw Pikachu standing near the door with some files in his hand. He entered and saw me and gave me a smile which I returned. Following him was a man, he looked at me but didn't say anything.

Pikachu came up to the table where I was sitting and sat on the other side on Ash's position as a president. The man stood by his side as Pikachu opened the files and looked at them carefully, he took a pen from the stand and did a signature at few pages of the file. Then handed them to the man who bowed and thanked Pikachu as if he was his boss, but of course he was his boss’s Pokemon.

When the man left the room Pikachu jumped and hopped in my lap startling me, but I recovered soon and started petting his soft yellow fur, Pikachu cooed in happiness as I did that. At this I could help but smile. Pikachu was such an extraordinary Pokemon. He was cute yet strong, so strong that he could defeat legendaries with ease. He was caring and loving. He also knew how to read and write, he helped ash in his works. He was like a friend to Ash who he could rely on any time.

Pikachu sat in my lap as I kept stroking him softly and soon he was asleep cuddled up on me. I sat there staring at him for a long time, I didn't find it boring but rather cute. Then after some time the door opened again and Pikachu's ears perked up, he raised his head and looked at the door, I did the same and saw leaf entering the room.

“Hey Serena I'm back.” She squealed, okay saw her and jumped from my lap and ran up to him. “PIKA PI..” he gets up in happiness, Leaf giggled at this. “Of course Pikachu I do remember it. How can I forget such an important date.” She said in excitement. At this I got confused, “what is it leaf?” I asked, she looked at me with a smile, “Ash's birthday is coming in few days.” She replied, my eyes widened in excitement. “really when?” I asked her with curiosity, “it's on 25th of this month. And I want to give him a surprise party. I asked Bonnie and Clemont about this and they agreed to help me.” She told, I also got an idea for this.

“Hey leaf, how about I tell my friends as well and we can help you make it the greatest surprise party for him.” I told, she looked at me with stars in her eyes. “Of course, that would be super cool. Thank you Serena!” She squealed out. I couldn't help but giggle at her childish behavior, but she just a kid after all.

We both sat at the table and started planning about the party, until we heard the door open. We turned around and saw Ash coming in. “Hey!” He said with a smile, “ASH!” We both squealed in happiness on seeing him. Leaf quickly got up and ran to him to give a hug. After the hug Ash picked her in his arms and came to his chair behind the table. “So, what did you do all day?” He asked me as he sat  at his chair. “Well, it wasn't so bad. I explored your office, looking at your achievements and photos and all. Or just sitting on this chair.” I replied, “well, I'm sorry for making you bored but someone wanted to meet you…” he said, I raised an eyebrow at him. “When I told him that I found the jewel of life, he asked me to bring it to him. Since it was you so that's why I wanted you to come here today.” He told, he pressed a small bottun on his table and then a man walked in, “Sir!” The man bowed in front of Ash, “Call, Gary. Tell him that I brought the jewel of life.” Ash ordered, “Yes Sir!” The man replied in a accepting tone and bowed, then walked out of the room. Ash also got up from his seat, he placed Leaf on ground and walked to one of his shelves.

He pressed a book then another then another, and he pressed like… 7 books. Then the shelf slid to left side, revealing a hidden shelf behind it. I looked at it with wide eyes. I looked at the shelf then at Ash and Leaf simultaneously. Ash was entering a password on a keypad on the hidden shelf, while when I looked at Leaf she was smirking at me. She knew about it and she didn't tell me, but anyways what would it be a use to me. But still, I spent a whole day in a room, without even knowing about a hidden shelf.

The shelf opened and revealed some special pokeballs. They all had different patterns on them. Ash picked up a pokeball and put it in his pocket then closed the shelf back. He turned around, “okay let's go to the lab.” He spoke, “yay!” Lead shouted in excitement and ran to the door. I also got up from the chair I was in and walked to the door. Ash followed behind and closed the door. I walked beside him while Leaf was running ahead of us with her arms wide open like an aeroplane. After walking for a few hallways and turns we reached a door. Ash opened it and we entered in a large Hall. There were machines and equipments everywhere, scientists were doing their tests on different things. The scientists were older than Ash, but they all bowed their heads to him in respect.

Ash took me to a young scientist, about my our age, who was working on some blueprints. “Hey Clemont!” Ash greeted, the boy took his attention from his project to us. “Oh hey Ash! Annnnd…. Who's this?” He asked pointing at me, “this is Serena, she studies with me at me school and…… She is the Jewel of Life.” Ash replied, at this Clemont's eyes widened. “You mean you found the Jewel of life.?!” He asked in shock, Ash just chuckled at him.

“Ashy-boy, why'd you call me?” Asked a voice from behind. We all turned behind and saw a spiky brown haired boy. “Hey Gary, I called you so that you can do your research on the jewel of life.” Ash replied, at this my eyes widened, “Wait! You are going to do research on me?” I asked in fear. “Calm down Serena, it's not the way you're thinking.” Ash told in a soft tone, which calmed me down. “Who's this Ash and what do mean by the Jewel of life?” The boy, Gary, I presume, asked. “This is Serena and she is the Jewel of life. I brought her for the tests.” He replied, “really, that's great! And nice to meet you Serena.” He said while putting his hand forward. I took his hand and shook it, “nice to meet you too.” I replied.

“Clemont, come on. I need to get it done quickly.” Ash spoke, “right,... Ok, now Serena, could you please come with me?” Clemont asked, I was a little nervous so I looked at Ash. “It's going to be fine Serena, you'll not be hurt.” He said in a caring tone while patting my shoulder. I smile back and nodded then followed Clemont.

We reached a small podium, surrounded by glass walls. “Caren, I need a bed in here.” Clemont said, “yes sir.” A girl little older than us replied. Clemont was doing some adjustments on a machine when the girl came back pushing a wheeled bed. She placed it near the machine and put up the stoppers. “Okay Serena, please lay down here…” Clemont said, I listened to him and said in the bed. He connected some wires to me, Ash was also standing near me. “Alright, this may hurt a bit, but it's necessary. We need you to go to sleep.” Clemont said as he took out a syringe. At this I choked on the air, I gulped a big lump in my throat on seeing a syringe. I closed my eyes tightly and grabbed onto the bed sheets. Then someone grabbed my hand, I opened my eyes and looked at him, it was Ash. “Don't worry, it won't hurt much. I'll hold your hand if you like.” He said in a calm tone and squeezed my hand. His warmth made me less nervous. I smiled back at him with a small blush. “Thank you…” I whispered. Clemont then injected the medicine in my other arm. The sudden pain made me flinch, I squeezed Ash's hand tighter.

But slowly-slowly I started to feel dizzy. My body felt numb, I couldn't move my hands, the grip on Ash's hand loosened and my hand fell on the bed beside me, then my vision went blurry and I fell asleep.

To be continued...

Hey everyone, I did take long enough to update. There story from here onwards is going to get jumbled a bit. Keep reading and be happy.

Good bye.

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