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It was a bright, sunny Summer morning. Lucy woke up. The warm sunshine tickling her bare feet. Another handful of sunshine shining into her eyes. She knew, another great day has started, another great day to spend time with her friends in Fairy Tail. Lucy yawned sleepily as she stretched her arms and sat up. Then she looked out of the window.

"Magnolia, what a wonderful place to live! I love it here!" she thought, smiling. Lucy then stood up tiredly and made her bed. Her place was always clean and tidied, unlike Natsu's. "I wonder what will happen today," she started thinking. Her stomach immediately gave her a response by grumbling loudly. Lucy chuckled. She went into the kitchen and made herself a sandwich. She still felt hungry though. So she decided to make another one.

Now she was craving chocolate. That was strange. Shouldn't she be full by now? So Lucy ate all of the cookies she had. It wasn't a lot but for Lucy it was.

Now she realized that her period was late. Five days. Maybe that was the reason why she felt so hungry. Lucy started thinking. "Never mind, I will have a great day today anyways!" she was all motivated a few seconds later.

Another response from her stomach. But this time it wasn't the satisfying feeling of hunger, which made you think of all your favourite foods. No, this time she felt like she had to throw up. Lucy immediately rushed into the bathroom holding her hand on her mouth. Then it happened. Lucy puked it all out, her entire breakfast.

No, it wasn't what Lucy was thinking it was. It couldn't be, could it. She couldn't believe it. Lucy was pregnant. Luckily she had a pregnancy test at home so she could find out. Positive... After getting ready and brushing her teeth once again she kept on staring at herself into the mirror for at least fifteen minutes.

As she moved again she whispered," No way! I am getting a baby but who is the father?" There was exactly one person she was thinking of. Natsu.

At that huge sleepover a few months ago, could they have... Have they...

"No way!" Lucy yelled. "Natsu, how am I going to tell him?"

It was a very good theory. They were both really drunk and Lucy could remember but there was no way this could have happened. Lucy couldn't believe it.

She took a deep breath, taking her gate keys and walking out of her tidy apartment. Locking the door. Running to Fairy Tail.

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