She Is Alive

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The truth? What truth now? There were a lot of truths?

"Um, Natsu? What truth do you mean?" Lucy asked as they sat down on a bench. Natsu hadn't taken that mission after all.

"Hmm... The truth..the truth of everything that has happened to us, that's the thing you want to talk about, don't you?" Natsu asked.

Lucy sighed, "There are more truths..."

"More? How many?" Natsu asked.

"Hmm.. Something like five.." Lucy replied.

She felt really bad about all and sighed to start talking.

"Natsu, listen...I left back when I was pregnant because I was controlled...then there was that guy, Kuro was his name, he was the one. He killed my father and controlled me. He wanted to make me suffer. And when you went on that mission after Nashi was born, he took her, again he prevented me from attacking him. But I found out about all of his dirty tricks! He can only control one thing about an action, that's mostly preventing something. I told you he killed her but that was a lie. All this time I've been with Nashi! NASHI ISN'T DEAD!!!"

Natsu gazed at Lucy with excitement. "Kuro...did what???" Suddenly he started crying.
"I-I am sorry Lucy...I should have realized earlier...I shouldn't have been mad..."

"No, Natsu! You got it all wrong! I should have told you, I am sorry!"
Just now Natsu realized what Lucy had told him.

" Nashi..." he stammered. "She's Happy was right after all..."

"Happy?" Lucy asked.

"Aye, I once followed you to this palace and saw you playing with Nashi! I am sorry Lucy I shouldn't have done that..."

"It's fine Happy...but Natsu...that's actually the reason I came here for..." Lucy whispered, "I've come back because Kuro has incredible powers. He took Nashi from me again, I came in order to ask for your help, to save her, your daughter, because she is alive!"

Then Lucy told him the whole story in her point of view about how she became pregnant until now.

Natsu looked down at his feet.


-"Yeah Natsu?"

-"Could it be that Kuro was controlling me as well?"

-"What kind of question is that supposed to be again?"

-"I mean could it be that I've made acquaintance with him or his magic in past?"

-"Huh I don't get what you're trying to tell me?"

-"How does it feel to be controlled by somebody? Is it like suddenly feeling to be prevented from an action?"

Lucy didn't like where this conversation was going. She had known two kinds of control Kuro had been using on her by now. The one which made her feel tired, that was the hypnotising one. And the one which Natsu was talking about, the one which could make you decide what path of life you should follow. Changing fate. If Lucy was right, Kuro had only been using this on her. Or could there be something else?

"Natsu, don't tell me you think that--"


"Natsu, calm down," Lucy said. "Are you going to help me now or not? We can't lose any more time!"

"Yes, I will help you! But promise me to never leave my side again..."

"I don't promise, I swear on my life I won't leave you!" Lucy whispered and kissed Natsu softly. Natsu kissed her back, but passionately and roughly.

After they caught a breath Natsu asked, "Do you remember where Kuro's palace is?"

"No I can't remember, Kuro must have erased my memory of the location of his palace, but Happy might remember!"

"Aye, he never knew about me so he never harmed me in any way!"


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