Kuro Shiyoru

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Lucy smiled with tears running down her cheeks as she was packing everything together. Leo and Virgo were helping her to bring all the furniture to the celestial world and back into the apartment. "Natsu, I promised you something and I will return, I swear!" she was thinking as she left the hut and slowly walked back to Magnolia. The forest wasn't far away so she should make it in about a hour.

But all out of nowhere suddenly a black figure appeared. Lucy flinched, she quickly and silently took a step backwards. Unfortunately, while doing that, she stepped on a stick which now broke. "Oh no!" she thought.

The person, clothed in black turned around. His eyes, pure evil. His black hair, completely dark. Lucy felt her baby in her stomach. It was punching and kicking. She was in pain, to that person's advantage. But who was he? Lucy could barely notice him under his hood.

They must have noticed Lucy as they stood up and started walking towards Lucy. Lucy stared at them breathlessly. Would they harm her or her baby?

The person came closer, a wide grin on their lips noticeable. They took the hood off, as Lucy looked into their eyes angrily.

"Hahaha! I have been looking for you, Lucy Heartfilia! You and your child." Lucy froze. Since when did that person her name. On the other hand, she somehow knew him. 

"I- I... Who are you?" Lucy enquired. "I? I am Kuro. Kuro Shiyoru. I used to work for your father. But then he fired me out and now I am seeking revenge! On you!" Lucy's chocolate brown eyes widened, full of hatred.

"So you're THAT guy! The one who killed my father. Wasn't killing him enough? Do you have to kill me now too?"

Kuro started laughing evilly. "Hahaha! I won't, instead, let's play a game..."

What? Was he being serious with her. Lucy looked at him. He was a powerful wizard indeed, she could feel it with every step he took forward. It seemed to be a very dark type of magic. "You're pregnant, right? I will take your child away the day it is---"

"What??? I won't let you!" angry Lucy interrupted him. Another laugh! "Heartfilia! You're pathetic! Either you give it to me or I take it myself, with violence!"

"Try what you want, you won't get my baby! You can try to kill me but I'll get up again and fight you!" Lucy yelled.

She was sure she wouldn't let anybody harm her child. Kuro Shiyoru grinned again. "Prepare for painful torture, Lucy Heartfilia! Now, show me what you got, you Fairy!"

Fairy Tail. She hasn't left them yet, they were always there, by her side. They would protect her, they would remain in her heart. She felt so powerful all of a sudden. Urano Metria could save her now! But she wouldn't use it yet.

"Open gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!" Lucy shouted. Taurus appeared in front of her. Suddenly his gate was closed again. Immediately her powers faded away, as a black mist surrounded her.

Kuro's faint laugh was the last thing Lucy heard before passing out. "Haha, that might make you sleep for a while, Lucy Heartfilia."

Then he started casting a spell on her: The spell that would force her to give away her baby after birth, to him.

With that he left, leaving the helpless Lucy alone. "Sleep well, Lucy!"

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