I Regret It

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A few hours later Lucy and Virgo were finished with building the house. It was a nice wooden and stone hut, Lucy built it near a river with crystal clear water. It was just wonderful though she regretted it. She loved them, every single one of them, Natsu, Erza, Wendy, Levy, Gray, Makarov, Fairy Tail! They were her family and she loved them from the bottom of her heart.

She was afraid though, of Natsu. If he wouldn't be happy, she didn't want to see him, she thought he would be glad about a child. Instead he had told her he didn't expect that. She hadn't expected that to happen either but at least she was happy.

Lucy sighed as she sat down on the cool grass, sending Virgo back to the celestial world. Her eyes, fixed on the golden sunset. Her hands, holding her a little bigger belly, whispering," I know how I will call you, Nashi if you are a girl and Ryū if you're a boy!" A tear of happiness but also regret ran down her cheek.

Why did she do that? Was it because her hormones were going crazy because of pregnancy. Well, at least she had left a letter behind for Natsu. Still, why did she do that? Or was it because she didn't love Natsu anymore? No. That couldn't be. She loved him, every thought she had in that moment was a flashback with Natsu. Lucy flinched as she was thinking of that, hitting herself on a tree.

She released a painful moan, "Ouch.."

"D-didn't I just overreact? Should I say sorry, or no, even return? Would Natsu forgive me? What if he still loves me. It wasn't a breakup, we weren't even together so he still might love me. What if he just overreacted too? What if he also wants the baby?"

So many thoughts shot into Lucy's head and huge tears started forming in her eyes. She couldn't hold them back as much as she would try, it wouldn't work.

Lucy kneeled down on the floor crying hard. It had gotten dark by that time. She looked up at the bright moon. "Nooo! Natsuu! I miss you, I really miss you! Forgive me!" she screamed up into the air. Then, after a while she went into her new house, falling asleep, all exhausted and depressed.

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