The Black Palace

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It was an enormous castle. Lucy started shivering as Kuro and her passed a pole smeared with blood. This place was just horrifying. "What's he gonna do to Nashi?" she thought.

The light of the candles made their shadows longer, flashing like flames. Lucy walked on, Nashi sleeping in her arm. She stared at the back of the head of Kuro as she was following him. What would he do to Nashi. Or even to her.

"We're there!" Kuro said roughly. "This is my home, I call it The Black Palace! And this is Nashi's room, she'll live in here!"

Lucy glared at him. "Kuro, tell me, tell me what you will do to her? I want to know!"

Kuro grinned. "Hah! I? Why would I tell you! It is even more painful for you if you don't know! I could do anything to her!" he laughed. His dark purple eyes sparkling evilly at Lucy. Lucy just stood there, her blonde hair covering her big brown eyes. A big teardrop rolled down her cheek and onto Nashi's face.

"Nashi..." was the only thing Lucy barely said. Finally she spoke up,"Kuro Shiyoru! Damn you! I...I will give her to you for her safety...but if anything, anything occurs while I am not around, you're as good as dead! Fairy Tail...they...WE.. will destroy you..."

With that Lucy handed him over Nashi, her hands shaking hard, crying. "Kuro...I don't know what you're up to but... YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A TOTAL ASSHOLE! Haven't you already had revenge on my Dad? Now you even want to kill my child!" Lucy yelled. Kuro laughed loudly.

Lucy turned around and quickly walked away. Her shadow extending in the candlelight, hot tears of anger and frustration streaming down her face, her sobs were only heard by Kuro. Kuro, who had just laughed at her for calling him an asshole.

Lucy walked down the road to her house, trying to stay unrecognized as she was crying. Natsu. What would he do to Lucy. She couldn't tell him. Natsu would get reckless again and risk his life for Nashi. No, she wouldn't tell him.

As Lucy finally reached her house it started raining. Luckily she made it in time. Lucy sat down in a corner and curled up in a ball. She started to cry. How come that she didn't even try to fight. Was she afraid? Fairy Tail mages were never afraid. And what would Natsu do?

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