Layla Heartfilia

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At first it was all just a blur. A black silhouette in the bright yellow light which had consumed Lucy. But later on, everybody could see the person, before the light started becoming weaker.

It took Lucy a while to realize what was going on. She rubbed her eyes in the bright light and tried to take a look at the person.

She looked couldn't be. That person was dead. How come that she could stand right here in front of them.

Natsu gasped in amazement looking at the beautiful woman. Nashi watched every of Natsu's movements. Then Natsu looked at Lucy again.

"Luce, she looks like you..." Natsu whispered before he noticed who that person really was. "I-is she y-your...mother?"

Everybody remained silent. Lucy stared at Layla Heartfilia with big eyes. Could this really be? Was her mother really alive?

"Mo-'re alive..."

Layla smiled at Lucy and replied softly, cupping Lucy's cheek in her hand, "No Lucy, I am not alive...I am..let's just say, I've come from heaven to talk to you Lucy..."

Tears started streaming down Lucy's face, "Mom, I've missed you so much! I took care of Aquarius but then I broke her key in order to protect my friends, I finally joined Fairy Tail, found myself a man and we share a beautiful daughter!"

"I know Lucy, I know...I've been watching you all this time...and I am incredibly proud..."

Lucy's automatic breathing stopped for a second and she gasped for air.

"Why didn't you come earlier, Mom?" she asked.

Layla let out a sigh. "I couldn't... as I can see Kuro is fine again...but the actual reason I came new magic! I gave it to you, it's a gift of mine, you've got it since you met Kuro...I knew there was something with that guy and I wanted to protect you in case...You've been through so much the past seven years Lucy, I'm feeling bad for you, as your there anything I can do for you?"

The same words as Kuro? Had Layla just asked her the same thing as Kuro?

Lucy looked at her mother crying, she took her head and moved it forward to her mouth, so she could whisper into her ear.

She said, "I want you to erase Nashi's memories of Kuro and replace them with nice ones...please, would you do that for me and Nashi?"

Lucy released her mom's head. Layla looked Lucy in the eyes whispering, "Anything for your...and my family... I'll come tonight in her sleep..."

Lucy smiled silently. She could clearly see that there was still some concern in her mother's eyes.

There was one more question Lucy wanted to ask, "You said that you gave me that magic...but I always thought that Kuro had cursed me, how come that I thought so?"

"That Lucy, was because you've been controlled by him a lot and being gifted with that kind of magic feels similar! There's nothing to worry about now, once his magic got lost you would get rid of any curses by Kuro anyway!" Layla smiled.

But still, there was this concerned look in her eyes. It was as if she wanted to say something.


"Yes, dear?"

"You seem concerned, what's wrong?"

"Look, Lucy....there's something I have to ask's the greatest reason I came here...What do you want to do with your magic, do you want to keep it?"

Lucy froze. She had forgotten about how dangerous her magic was.

"M-mom...would you mind taking it back?" Lucy asked.

Layla's facial expression relaxed, "I fear I knew you would say such a thing...are you sure, you know, you won't see me again, don't you want to have another memory of me?"

Lucy sighed. She knew her mother was going somewhere else with this conversation.

" know you're worried and it's not only because of me remembering you...could it be that you have made this magic? Could it be that you have put a huge lot of effort into this? Could that be the reason you want me to keep it?"

"It really looks like you're something else Lucy, more than I could ever have expected. Yes, indeed you're right...I am worried and I put a lot of effort into this because I was worried, I want you to keep it, if you don't mind..."

Lucy smiled, "I will...but do you mind making it a little less powerful, I don't want to walk around, killing people just because I am defending, I still have my spirits and friends!"

"Of course Lucy, of course I will decrease it's power, thank you for keeping it, now I will have one less reason to feel bad for you! I wish I could turn back time but unfortunately, I am not capable of that..."

"Thank YOU mom! And don't feel bad for me, we'll all be alright again, very soon!"

Yes, that was right. There was no reason for anybody to feel bad for her, Lucy had all she ever wanted.

There were Natsu and Nashi. Kuro had turned good again. Lucy got the opportunity to meet her mother once again, got a new kind of Magic, was alright again. Soon, yes very soon, everything would go back to normal again. They would join Fairy Tail again, Kuro would start helping others and Nashi wouldn't remember anything of that!

There was no need to feel bad for her anymore!

***The End***

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