Let Her Grow

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*3 Years Later*

Ever since Nashi had been kidnapped, Lucy had been visiting her every week. She had always been in the Black Palace on Wednesdays. Lucy believed, and it was true, that she was the only person Nashi actually knew. Kuro never talked to her The days she had been visiting her, Lucy taught her new words from books, and how to talk. She hoped that Kuro took enough care of Nashi, care like food, sleep and hygiene. Maybe even more free time than once a week. Now Nashi was four and because Lucy had missed her so much, she went to visit her on Monday!

Lucy tried to hide in her dark cloak, what she was always doing when going to the Black Palace. She wanted to stay as unrecognizable as possible and not even Natsu was allowed to see her. Her secret with Nashi should stay a secret. Also, the Fairy Tail guild believed that Nashi had died. Lucy wasn't at the guild that often anymore. Natsu was, he tried to forget it but he couldn't. He fell into a deep depression. But still, he smiled a lot and seemed as cheerful as before, all were only fake smiles though.

Anyways, later as Lucy had left the crowd and walked on she had calmed down. Lucy wasn't that nervous about meeting a person anymore. She was almost in the forest as the sound of a bird had shocked her. Lucy sighed. Then she walked on.

At the Black Palace a little later

Lucy could see it clearly again, there it was. She would be able to see Nashi again, even earlier than usual. Lucy's heart was about to jump out of her chest as she crept along the cold, hard walls, which smelled like dried blood. Kuro must have liked this kind of atmosphere. Everything in that place looked spooky, dead and totally messed up.

Lucy walked on, finally she noticed the staircase leading to Nashi's room. Finally.

She crept up the stairs, noticing someone shouting. Then a few heartbreaking cries.

"I'm sowwy...I swear...it wasn't me..."

Nashi. It was Nashi crying like that. And then there was Kuro's voice. Did he scream at Nashi like that regularly? Lucy hurried up the staircase and hid behind the closest corner. She peeked at both as they had passed the last door before Nashi's room.

Kuro kicked the door open and shoved Nashi inside. He sighed. Then he slammed the door and walked away. "Little brat, needs to be taught how to obey..." Kuro sighed.

Lucy watched all with widened eyes and a tear rolled down her cheek.


"I will save you! I swear, you have to get out of here! I saw your bruised skinny body, Kuro is hiding something..." Lucy whispered.

But Kuro heard her. He turned around. Lucy's heart skipped a beat as she pressed herself even harder against the wall. She felt Kuro's movements, every single one of them.

Lucy closed her eyes, trying not to sob loudly. Kuro shrugged his shoulders, turned around and walked away. Lucy sighed quietly. Finally he was gone, Lucy would sneak into Nashi's room. This really seemed like a weird moment to visit Nashi but Lucy decided to give it a try.

She felt the feeling of anger but hope dwelling up deep within her soul. It was like a white light. Lucy touched the wooden door, smeared with blood. She slowly pushed it open.




Lucy made Nashi quiet again. Nashi stood up and ran over to Lucy. "Mommy... uncle Kuro is...he is...."

She started crying. Lucy looked at her worriedly and patted her pink hair. "Nashi, what did Kuro do to you?" She questioned as she scanned the body of the skinny four year old.

"Mommy, Kuro had been..."

"Torturing me!"

Lucy's eye twitched. He had promised her to take care of Nashi and not to hurt her. This damn bastard. Lucy immediately picked up Nashi and carried her outside the room. She slammed the door not caring that Kuro might have heard it.

"Mom, where are we going?"

"Shhhh! You'll see!"

Lucy ran outside the palace, into the forest, the direction where her house had to be standing. She had saved Nashi from more pain, she had trusted Kuro and he had misused her trust.

"Well, well, Heartfilia! As I can see you have managed to free her, I wonder what you were doing earlier. If it was really that easy for you to do so, why didn't you come earlier? Oh, I get it, you were afraid of me killing her or even you! But you got her back! For now, I'll leave you and let her grow! You'll see how painful it'll be in two years, I'll return!"

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