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As Lucy woke up again it was already dark outside. She was there, in the middle if the forest. She wasn't bruised or wounded at all. But still, after she had collapsed nobody had helped her. Lucy slowly sat up, nothing hurt her though. She could only remember how she summoned Taurus and then passed out.

Lucy stood up. Her suitcase lying a few meters away from her. All dirty, just like her. She was afraid of what Kuro had done to her. What if he would appear after her baby would get born and take it? Lucy had to get back to Fairy Tail, they would always protect her. On the other hand, saying that seemed weak though.

She loved them and she felt safe when she was near them. Although she was all weak and powerless because of that attack, Lucy tried to get back to Magnolia by foot. As she walked out of the forest, Lucy tried to ignore the curious and worried facial expressions and walked on. Everyone was wondering what a girl like her was doing outside, so I exhausted that late. Half an hour later she saw it.  Finally. Finally Lucy reached her house walking up the stairs exhaustedly.

She packed out all her stuff, threw all clothes into the washing machine and took a hot bath. After such a long time, Lucy was finally home again. Home. In Magnolia, where Fairy Tail was.

She missed Natsu and couldn't wait to see him again. But first she had to calm down a little form the shock she had, that her baby would disappear. As Lucy was putting her clothes on, she noticed a noise. She quickly put on her clothes, aware that it could be anyone or anything. Then she opened the door of her bathroom.

There he was. Right in front of her. Pink hair. Onyx eyes. Natsu, standing right in the middle of her room. Natsu looked into Lucy's eyes. Tears ran down his now pale cheeks.

" finally returned!" he cried. Lucy also looked at him amazedly. "Natsu."

She ran into his arms, also crying. Natsu closed Lucy into a hug starting to cry even harder. "Natsu, I came back! It's all gonna be alright! Don't cry!"

"I- I finally got you back, I am sorry Lucy, for everything! I missed you so much, I came over here every night at this time!"

Lucy released herself from the hug. She stared at Natsu's body. "Natsu, why did you get so pale and thin?"

Natsu just sighed, "While you were gone, I ate much less but trained hard...I was feeling too guilty to eat anything big...but now it's alright!"

Lucy smiled worriedly. And no, nothing was alright. Lucy was afraid. Afraid of Kuro Shiyoru. Would he really come and get her baby or did she just think that?

Well, you're going to find out!

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