Please, Return!

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*a little timeskip of a few months*

It has been more than half a year since Lucy has left Fairy Tail, only leaving a letter for Natsu behind. Well, she didn't leave. If Lucy has calculated it correctly, she should be getting the baby in a few weeks.

It was hard to get used to it but Lucy did. Before she even left Fairy Tail, Lucy was at the doctor. But that was too early to find out anything specific. Anyways, now she had to be by herself. She didn't even know what it would be.

Once a week she visited the celestial world. Because Lucy wasn't in the guild, she didn't take any jobs, that meant she didn't have any money. But Lucy had the forest. She went fishing, gathered berries, fruits and mushrooms and went hunting. She became stronger than ever before because she knew that she had to take care of herself.

Sometimes she even practiced her magic and learned how to use Urano Metria without any help. Her magic power grew. She didn't actually care, all she cared about was to get her baby, healthy and alive.

Lucy just stopped her training with Loke, learning some martial arts and sent him back to the celestial world. She went back into her house. It was already getting dark outside. She ate something and went to sit near the river, what she was doing everyday.

The water was sparkling and reflections of the stars and moon made it look like the actual night sky. It was beautiful, Lucy just smiled, with tears in her eyes though. It was a sad smile.

Fairy Tail, how long has it been since she left. She wanted to go back. Actually that was her biggest wish besides getting her baby. Lucy sighed. But she was embarrassed. They would all be mad at her and send her away, for sure. She started crying even more.

For one moment she believed to actually hear Natsu's voice calling, "Luce! Please, return!" She flinched and turned around quickly.

"Natsu, I know I made a big mistake. I was wrong, I still love you and I know I should not have done this! I am sorry! I overreacted, I thought you wouldn't like the baby! Maybe you do!" she whispered.

Now she heard his voice in her head again. "Lucy! Everyday I think of you! Everyday I cry for you, I want you back! And no, it is my fault! I overreacted. I should have been more careful! I didn't mean to break your heart like that! It's all my fault! And about Lisanna, I don't love her! The moment you left, we broke up! I couldn't stay with her because I just pretended to love her! Forgive me!"

Lucy already knew that herself! To be honest, the thing that mattered wasn't Lisanna. It was that she was afraid that Natsu didn't like the baby.



"I will get you back, no matter what!!!" They both shouted into the air in unison. And although they were so far apart, their apologies were transfered to each other. That's simply the power of love!

Lucy knew nothing was lost yet, she could return and she would!

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