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It remained silent as Lucy had said that horrible word. "Dead" But Nashi wasn't dead. She was alive, just in danger. Lucy shook her head on the inside as she had been thinking of the word "just". Natsu sat there, Lucy in his arms, tears streaming down his face.

"N...Hng..." he sobbed. Lucy sat up and freed herself from his grip. Then she hugged him tightly. "It was those men...they came and wanted Nashi...I refused, tried to fight them....they beat me up and took Nashi..." Now Lucy was crying too.

It wasn't faked tears, they were real. First of all, she had lied to Natsu. She had betrayed him. Because there was still hope, Nashi was alive! Lucy was worried if was Nashi really alright.

Lucy stood up and went into the bathroom. Natsu went outside, leaving a little letter behind;

Lucy, can we meet at 8:00 PM at the street right next to the forest please? Please come, I need to talk to you there! ______________________

"Natsu, I am sorry! I betrayed you! Nashi is still alive! I did it for your sake!" Lucy thought. She knew that Natsu would get himself into danger and she'd never forgive herself if he'd die.

At 8:00 PM Lucy met Natsu at the street right next to the forest. It was a little abandoned road, and it was already getting dark outside.
Both stood there for a fraction of a second, which felt like an eternity for both. Lucy, staring into Natsu's tired, now suddenly bright green eyes. Natsu, staring into Lucy's dull brown eyes. Both shocked.

"Your...eyes...." both spoke in unison, making them sigh.

"I know, that's the sudden change!" Natsu exclaimed.

"I guess for me too..." Lucy whispered exhaustedly, "Anyways, why did you order me here?"

Natsu sighed again. He grabbed her by her pale, skinny hand, tearing her into the forest. Natsu seemed to know this place well as he seemed to exactly know where to go. Lucy also remembered her little cottage somewhere deep in there. A picture of Nashi flashed right in front of her eyes, disappearing immediately. Lucy gasped silently as she had seen that.

Finally Natsu stopped. Lucy froze. What was that? Natsu stepped to the left, making Lucy see more. There it was.

A pile of dirt, arranged nicely in a rectangle. On top, a wooden cross stuck inside. A few flowers and one red candle made it seem even more like a real grave. Lucy gazed at it in amazement. "Natsu..."

But Nashi wasn't dead. Why would Natsu do that? Did he really believe Lucy that much? Still, it was better for him like that. "Lucy, don't cry!" he spoke and kissed said girl as he watched tears roll down her face.

For one moment Lucy thought about telling Natsu the truth.


"Yeah, Luce?"


And so she decided against that.

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