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A few minutes later, Natsu and Lucy started to completely ignore each other. Lucy was sad. Natsu was kind of disappointed. Lucy tried everything to talk to him. Still, Natsu just turned his head into the other direction and walked over to Happy. From that moment on Natsu has been talking to Happy and looking at Lucy once in a while.

Happy's face turned very pale and he looked at Lucy. He started crying and Natsu hugged him.

"No, lil' buddy! You will always be my best friend!"

"They must be talking about the baby and how Happy thinks we will ignore him," Lucy thought quietly.

She was disappointed. Very disappointed. And she wasn't sure what Natsu was thinking.

Suddenly a terrible thought got onto Lucy's mind. What if Natsu wouldn't like the baby. It even worse, hate it. What if he wouldn't like her anymore. What if she would leave Fairy Tail? Would Natsu be sad. And in the moment Lucy thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. Natsu was standing over her and clearing his throat.

"Lucy, I am sorry but I am not really happy about that. I-I just didn't think it would turn out like that! You know what I mean, right? I am not very happy about a child. I am insecure...because I...I am dating Lisanna...and I can't be together with two girls! Sorry! I just know her for a longer time!" He said almost out of instinct. But it wasn't him saying that...

But before he could even finish Lucy looked at him. She opened her mouth to say something. Then she stood up and walked away. Natsu looked after her but because he was so shocked, he didn't follow her.

"What is her problem? I was just honest!" he thought.

Lucy was extremely disappointed. She couldn't understand. She didn't understand how Natsu could betray her like that. If he loved her, why didn't he break up with Lisanna. Lucy knew they were together but just a few weeks ago Natsu had told Lucy he loved her. Why didn't he break up. He probably didn't love her at all, she thought. But that wasn't true. Deep inside Natsu was actually happy. He loved Lucy but he didn't have time to break up with Lisanna. She seemed so happy and he didn't want to end her happiness.

Lucy ran up the stairs to the Master's office. She knocked on the door. "Master Makarov?"

"Yes child, come in!" he replied. Lucy opened the door quietly, stepped in and closed it behind her.

She sighed," Master, I won't be in the guild for a while from now on, anyways, I don't wish to leave. I have my reasons...I will return, I promise!"

"W-why...what's your reason?" Master enquired breathlessly.

"Master, I-I...I am...pregnant...with Natsu! I won't give any more details...anyways, good bye!"

With that Lucy left his office and ran home, trying to be as unrecognized as possible. Where would she go? At home Natsu would surely find her and ask her what happened to her. She needed to find another place.

"The celestial world...no...Tenrou island...maybe...the forest...also maybe..." Lucy started to think.

Finally she decided for the forest. Lucy could build herself a house there and live there. She would stay in the forest. It hurt her to leave Fairy Tail as much as to return. She didn't believe she would return. She had lied to the master.

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