Stabbed In The Heart

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Kuro stretched out his hand releasing a blast of black darkness towards Nashi and Lucy. Both Nashi and Lucy managed to dodge it, the next moment little Nashi roared flames at Kuro. In the following second all fire disappeared. Only smoke was left. Behind it the outline of Kuro was visible. He was laughing.

"Oh, so the young chick learned how to use magic, impressive! I wonder what her mom had been doing all this time!" Kuro provoked.

Lucy could feel it again, the anger dwelling up inside of her. She felt her canine teeth becoming sharper and longer. Her skin was becoming scaly and her eyes, she could see much better now.

"Don't you dare take my daughter again, Kuro!" Lucy hissed much more confident than ever before.

Kuro smirked and stretched his arm out again, towards Nashi this time. All of a sudden her eyes started glowing bright red and she spoke in a robot voice, "Yes, master Kuro. I will follow you."

Lucy flinched slightly. How? No, it couldn't be. Was he controlling her? Now he stretched it out towards Lucy.

She felt this familiar kind of tiredness in her body, her brain started shutting down. She knew now what Kuro had been doing to her all this time. Ever since she had joined Fairy Tail. He had been controlling her.

Lucy knew that she had to concentrate in order to stop Kuro hypnotising her even more. She clenched her fists and let her emotions all go, not wanting to do so though. But that meant weakness and Kuro now had complete control over her.

He ordered Lucy to lay down on the ground and now attacked her with his magic. Because his weakness was keeping two people hypnotised, he had to take her out quickly before she could do anything that would harm his plans.

Then Kuro took Nashi with him and quickly disappeared. He knew, Lucy wouldn't get to him that quickly because he could still control her mind and make her not follow him. After Nashi would wake up in her cell, he would take her power and then be able to control Lucy again.

But what Lucy would do instead, still was a mystery to Kuro. He could prevent certain things but not make people do things that had to do with the action. Kuro only had influence to a thing once. He couldn't control the following action.

For example, when he made Lucy leave Natsu, he couldn't control where she would go. But he exactly knew where she was after her decision.

But worst of all, Kuro could make the people believe that it was their decision and make them feel even worse and guilty about "their" actions.


Lucy woke up. Strangely, she immediately knew what had happened. Nashi was kidnapped by Kuro and Lucy had to find them. She needed to get to him--

Something deep in her heart stopped her from doing so though. It was this feeling again. Lucy's heart started beating faster. It was like she had been stabbed but not injured.

It felt just like when she had told Natsu about the baby and escaped. On her way into the forest back then she had been feeling the same. Or when she had lied to Natsu. Something had prevented her from telling him the truth back then. It was the exact same feeling now. Something made her do these things but also feel bad afterwards. But it wasn't the normal overreacting thing.

Lucy thought of going to Natsu and finally tell him everything. This time the feeling didn't appear. She knew it was definitely the right thing to do if she was forced not to go look for Kuro because of some kind of weird power.

Now she knew what she had to do and fell on her knees starting to cry. She had made so many wrong decisions and now regretted everything.

"Natsu, help me! Please! Forgive me!"

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