Heading Into Town

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Other people? So Kuro kept them in there, tortured them, locked them away. But what was his plan? Did he want to kill them? Or was there something else he needed? Lucy couldn't stop him now, she wasn't strong enough.

She would probably stay here for a few days, a week probably and then go to Crocus, the capital of Magnolia. Lucy sighed and called Nashi back.



A loud scream from Nashi. Lucy's heart skipped a beat as she had heard Nashi screaming like that. Out of the bush the little pinkette jumped onto Lucy.

"Mommy! There was this strange animal, it bit me!" Nashi started crying and showed Lucy her hand with a little bite on it. Lucy kissed it and smiled at Nashi.

"It's just a small one, don't worry!"

Now Nashi smiled back. Lucy loved seeing her happy like that. Finally, they were reunited again.
Lucy went inside to make breakfast while Nashi was playing outside.

Days passed until Lucy had been in the forest for three weeks. Longer than expected actually. She had planned to stay for a week not three times as much as that. Now both Lucy and Nashi started heading towards Crocus.

In the train Nashi suddenly started feeling motionsick like Natsu. Lucy smiled it was so heartwarming to think of him again but also painful. Lucy took Nashi on her lap and started patting her on the shoulder. Then she closed her eyes too happily. 

There was one thing Lucy didn't know at that time.

Kuro had been controlling her all this time. Believing that Natsu wouldn't like the baby, making Natsu seem unhappy. Escaping into the forest, returning, coming with Kuro, not taking back Nashi for three years, lying to Natsu, taking her back now, leaving Natsu again, not going back to help these people that was all Kuro's work.

After they had arrived Lucy realized that she needed money in order to get them a house. She had some, it wasn't a lot but it was enough to pay the rent for one month plus to buy the necessary food and sanitation products.

Lucy found herself a well-paid job in a restaurant and Nashi started going to kindergarten. They spent every afternoon together in a big library reading and learning magic. There was a book all about dragonslayer magic, to give the user tips because Lucy believed that Nashi had it in her body.

And then there was that day, finally after on and a half years; Nashi finally learned how to use her first spell, Fire Dragon's Roar!

Ever since she had got Nashi, Lucy had this strange sensation every time she was angry or emotional. It had always felt like there was an an endless space inside of her. Then, in times of sadness a gigantic supernova exploding on the inside. Lucy felt the anger inside of her again as she was sitting next to Nashi, trying to read her a book. She started hyperventilating.

Why hadn't she helped these people in need? Why did the leave Fairy Tail and Natsu behind? It was a huge wave of emotion, a wave of powerful magic as well, escaping from her body.

Lucy screamed up once, a bright light extending into the air, her teeth becoming sharper, star like shaped forms appearing on her cheeks and most precious of all, her dull, dead brown eyes had become golden.

There was no way it could possibly be real. Lucy had felt it since she had met Kuro but she was never sure about it. That sensation, she had become the Stellar Dragonslayer!!! And that was Kuro's work again. He had cursed her...

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