Author's Note/ Thanking

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Hello everybody, thanks a lot for reading! I hope all of you who have read this, have scrolled down here as well because I have to say some important things.

1.: I know most of you were expecting a dramatic fight scene as the ending or something like that. Well, I left out the fight because most NaLu FFs are like that and I just felt like making a peaceful one!

2.: If some points were unclear, make sure to comment down  below, I will check the story again and correct the mistakes. (Even if they play a crucial roll in the story and are practically unchangeable [I hope I didn't make such mistakes at least])

3: Thank y'all for reading, I hope you enjoyed this story and make sure to check out my other crappy stories too! (I never thought I would make this one that crappy too...)

Thanks, and see you next time!!! ^^

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