Light Within

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Lucy froze as she had turned back to normal again. "Wha--" she gasped.

"What was that???" Natsu immediately asked while standing still too, but Lucy just ignored him.

Nashi was just lying on the ground and watched her parents' reaction. "M-mommy..."

Lucy felt her heart beating right in her skull. It hurt and made her feel weird. She was about to collapse and tumbled a few steps back but then could hold it back. Lucy had used an incredible kind of Magic, there was actually neither a Star Dragon nor Star Dragon Slayer Magic which could be implanted or learned. It had only been a gift from the heavens. That gift was only given to the one and only Lucy Heartfilia, to Lucy from a certain someone...

She breathed heavily and loudly, walking towards the dead Kuro. Then she fell on her knees starting to cry quietly. She said something.

"K-kuro...I-I am sorry...I never wanted to kill you..." there was nothing more Lucy could bring over her lips in that situation.

All of a sudden an inner light started extending inside of her. Her chest was glowing in a golden yellow light. Natsu and Nashi, who were both awake again gazed at Lucy with a surprised but respectful look in their eyes.

Completely out of instinct Lucy raised her hand in the air, it started glowing as well. She carefully laid it onto Kuro's chest and started casting a spell.

"..may the stars give light to the shadows...may the stars heal the wounds caused by the darkness...I cast the ancient lost healing spell, Purify: Sacred Starlight!"

Kuro's body lit up and the hole in the middle of this abdomen started closing, as well as a dark shadow escaped him. The shadow grinned once and then said, "You've killed me, well done..." Then it dissolved into thin air.

Kuro's eyes started slowly fluttering open. He breathed in deeply and looked at Lucy Heartfilia.

Blue. They were completely blue. His eyes were a light shade of ice, his sorrow sparkled within them.

He looked completely different. His black hair which was long at first was shorter all of a sudden and he looked much younger. Before Lucy had only seen his long dark cloak, now she saw his whole body dressed in a black shirt and sweatpants. Her spell must have changed him.

"Why, Ms. Heartfilia? Why? Why...did you save me...after all I've done to you and your family...I wanted to die after all I've done to the other people. At first I wanted power to get revenge and made Zeref angry, then he cursed me. But I couldn't control it so my power was useless. Wherever I would go all people would die. But you, Natsu and Nashi all didn't die! That's because they have a special person around, that's you Ms. Heartfilia! You have purified them with your Sacred Starlight, so have you purified me, you! Thank you for destroying my darkness, although I don't know why I deserve that..."

Lucy smiled kindly as she tilted her head to the right and replied, "Because Kuro I never had the intention to kill you, I just wanted to make you a better person! To open your eyes so you could finally see the light! And I have almost killed you, I had to light up the stars in the dark! Oh, and please, just call me Lucy!"

"Thank you, Lucy!"

"Oh, and I wanted to ask if you can do me a favour? In future, if you truly want to be happy, go find a nice job or join a guild. Make sure to always help others, that way you'll be the happiest man alive!"

"But what about my..." Kuro stopped as he remembered.

"Have you forgotten, you're not cursed anymore, I have removed it! You have lost all your magic but you can learn new magic! Magic that can help others! Now go out there and show your kindness to the world!"

Kuro's eyes started filling with tears and he sobbed loudly. "That's what I've wanted to do since I became cursed as a stupid kid. All I ever wanted was to help others! To finally be freed from this terrible nightmare, which was controlling me! I can't thank you enough, can I do something for you?"

Lucy looked at him. She bowed down. "All I want is you to be happy again and help others!"

Kuro smiled with tears in his eyes.  "Lucy I will never forget you, and I feel bad for you, after all I've done..."

A yellow light shone around Lucy and she looked at everybody else not believing what was happening.

"Do you see that, guys?"

All Nashi, Natsu and Kuro nodded. Lucy sighed delightedly. So she wasn't hallucinating after all.

The next moment that golden yellow light started consuming her until she was completely ignited in that kind of light.

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