Not Feeling Safe Enough

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At home Lucy summoned Loke and he took some of her furniture into the celestial world. He would bring it to her after she would have finished her new house in the forest. Lucy wondered what she would name my child. But why did she get the idea to escape into the forest? The answer was kind of complicated to find. But she knew, she wanted to avoid Natsu as much as possible. She knew he didn't want the baby. And she knew he was with Lisanna. Lisanna didn't matter now though. Natsu definitely loved Lucy and she knew it. He wouldn't have told her for nothing. And he wouldn't be hanging out with her after that party so much for nothing. And her point was that he didn't like the child. But Lucy was happy. And she wouldn't give it up just for Natsu. Lucy really loved him but she didn't find it fair. It was also his child so why? Just why? Why didn't he like it? It was part of him. His actual family.

But maybe it wasn't his fault...Maybe he just wasn't ready yet.

Natsu felt very confused. He didn't know if he should laugh or cry. He wasn't happy but he wasn't sad. He didn't want to think about all his problems but he had to. It was just that thought. Lucy. He loved her. He hurt her. He gave her the impression that he didn't like the baby.

That was right, Natsu knew he hurt her. Now Lucy thought he wouldn't like the baby. But it wasn't like that. Natsu was happy. He always wanted to have a family. He didn't feel disappointed at all. But his problem was, he didn't want to see Lucy suffer. Natsu didn't want her to go through this. He knew she would suffer a lot and he didn't feel secure at all. A child. What if it would get hurt? Even killed? What if Natsu wouldn't be able to protect it enough? He would feel guilty.

He didn't mean to hurt Lucy at all, really. He was just shocked, too shocked to react the right way. And he lied. He didn't love Lisanna anymore. He only pretended to, she was so happy. Sometimes people just overreact, Natsu and Lucy, both did overreact in that case.

Natsu didn't even want to think of that something bad would happen to either of them. Now he had to find Lucy. As quickly as possible. She could be in great danger. Immediately Natsu ran off to her home.

But Lucy wasn't there anymore. She was lost. Gone. Away. On Natsu's face a sad expression formed. Then he looked onto her bed as he noticed something.

A letter. He picked it up.

Dear Natsu,

By the time you're reading this I am gone. But don't worry, I am not in danger. I just went...let's say a different place from Magnolia to give birth there, without anyone else. I just feel like being alone now... Because...

You hurt me, I feel broken. I thought you would be happy about a baby, instead you started ignoring me! I love you but it looks like you don't, I trusted you and you betrayed me. I thought you loved me! I thought it wouldn't matter to you to have a little family, to be honest I was shocked at first too. But at least I am looking forward to get a baby! I thought it would be the opposite of a shock, delight!

Anyways, have a great time without me, Master knows I am gone. See you sometime else!


Natsu's facial expression turned even more depressed and sad. He stared out of the window. Natsu could just hope and believe that Lucy was alright.

By that time she was already somewhere in the forest, trying to build a house with Virgo.

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