Feeling Bad For You

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Lucy immediately packed a few things together and took the next train.

Ach, Natsu...I am so sorry for all I've done, I hope you can forgive me...thanks for everything anyway..the truth is I lied, come over to the big tree in the South Gate Park and I'll tell you the truth...


Lucy started writing a letter to Natsu. She would leave it for him if he wasn't at home. She had to ask Natsu to help her save Nashi. She had to apologize to him for everything.
For leaving when she was pregnant, for not telling him about Kuro, for giving away Nashi, for lying and for leaving him again.

Lucy's eyes started stinging with tears as she was staring out of the window in the train. She sighed. Shouldn't she be motionsick by now if she was a Dragon Slayer, Lucy changed the subject.

"Next stop, Magnolia!" Lucy heard saying. She wiped her face with a tissue and stood up taking her bag, swinging it onto her shoulders.

As she got off she could smell this
well known odor. The smell of sweat mixed with men perfume and smoke....


He was here somewhere...

Lucy had to find him...

As she turned around hastily, for one moment she believed to see a pink strand of hair and blue fur.

Natsu and Happy.

They were going on a mission for sure, why else would Natsu take a train. A sudden feeling of sadness struck through Lucy's head. The completely forgot about Lucy and were cheerfully going on missions. But she deserved that, she thought.

But Lucy was wrong again...
Nobody had forgotten about her that what Natsu was doing was all for her sake right now...

She didn't know what to do. Should she just run over to him? Or shout his name? She didn't want to but then it came out of her mouth all of a sudden.


She saw him and Happy turning around and heard him whispering her name.

"Luce... What? How? Why?" he stammered. He ran over to her.

"Is this you, for real?" Natsu said, cupping her face in his hands. "I-I've missed you..."

Now he started crying. "Luce, can you imagine how much I've missed you..."

Lucy smiled with tears in her eyes, "Yeah, it's me! I am sorry..." Then she handed him the paper. Natsu read it carefully.

"But why did you do that...why? Do you know how that hurt? Do you know how painful it was to lose Nashi and then you! First she died and then you left. I had nobody... Noone to love! I only had Happy, my only friend left! And Fairy Tail, I left the guild..."

"What? You left? But why, even I didn't. Natsu...it..it wasn't my fault...not my choice!" Lucy knew that Kuro had been controlling her now...she was aware of that.. And she would let that happen again.

"It wasn't me...I am possessed...by a guy, he killed Nashi!" Lucy was still lying.

Lucy started crying. She didn't mean to hurt Natsu like that.

"Luce...I left because I wanted to help you...I felt bad for you and I still am feeling bad! I knew something was wrong but I am your soulmate so now, speak up, tell me everything..."

Natsu placed one hand on Lucy's hand and pulled her forward onto his chest and let Lucy cry in his arms.

"I am feeling bad for you... You might have not noticed it but something always seemed to bother you and I could clearly see it...you were sad...now, it's your turn, tell me the truth..."

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