Sorrow Within

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"So that's the place!" Natsu grumbled as Happy had taken Lucy and him to Kuro's palace. "Damn Kuro Shiyoru.."

Lucy sighed, "Natsu, I know you're mad but this kind of behavior isn't going to bring you anywhere!"

"Luce, you don't know anything! You left, had your time with Nashi, completely forgot about Fairy Tail and--"

Natsu suddenly stopped talking. He realized shouldn't have said that, as Lucy looked coldly into his angry eyes.

"I-I'm sorry Lucy, it wasn't your fault, I forgot, I'm sorry..."

"It's fine, right now we have to find and save Nashi, and also the other people!" Lucy said.

"There are others?" Natsu raised an eyebrow.

Lucy sighed and dragged Natsu by his arm, "Come on! We mustn't lose more time than we already have!"

"W-waah! Don't pull me like that, I can walk on my own!" Natsu's voice echoed through the hallway of the palace as he had broken the entrance door and was now running through the hallways along with Lucy.


"So, the two of you came after all, you must have become aware of me controlling you! Hmhm! Impressive, but you're not going anywhere now, I will neither let you leave nor give you Nashi back! I can still use my Hypnotising Magic on you!" Kuro's creepy voice echoed.

Natsu clenched his fists and looked around. Kuro couldn't be seen anywhere. "Argh! YOU damn bastard aren't going anywhere! We will destroy you, I might not be a member of Fairy Tail anymore but still, they're my family and they would still accept to have me back...and Luce still is a member!" Natsu grinned.

Suddenly he started shaking and all of a sudden his body was painfully bent. "Argh!" he screamed.

"Natsu!" Lucy cried. "What kind of Magic are you using Kuro?" Lucy asked.

"I use many kinds, I can list them all out for you! First we have Blood Control, that's what I am using on your boyfriend Salamander right now! Then there is Hypnotising Magic and Decision Control. Last but not least I use Ankhseram Black Magic. That's the Magic the dark wizard Zeref wields!"

"Now tell me Kuro how did you lay your hands on that Magic?"
Lucy had a point asking all that but she didn't know what it was yet.

"How I got my magic? That is a good question, I was cursed. Cursed by Zeref himself, I provoked him because I wanted to be as dark and powerful as him. I knew that he would either kill or curse me if I provoked him. The chance was 50/50.  Then he wanted to make me feel the sorrow he felt and cursed me with his uncontrollable gift, Ankhseram Black Magic. After that he gave me Blood Magic, Hypnotising Magic and Decision Control! Do you get the reason I am doing this to you, Lucy Heartfilia?"

Lucy glared at him. It couldn't be. Had she really been too stupid to realize that one important fact over all this time? Hadn't she seen it?

"I knew your father very well, you know...we used to be really good friends..."

"THEN WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?" Lucy's voice cracked.

"Oh, I didn't  kill him, I only told you that to provoke you, Heartfilia! Ever since you were born, I felt immense Magic Power inside of you, I knew that you were the one..."

"The one? What's the meaning of all this!" Lucy cried.

"Lucy, you're the Star Dragon Slayer, I did this all in order to provoke you! I swear I never used Decision Control on anybody else, and the people Nashi told you about were all just an illusion.

"What..." Lucy couldn't believe what she had heard.

"Lucy Heartfilia, I did this all in order for you to kill me!"

Now that was the thing Lucy hadn't noticed. His purple eyes turned into a sad tone of blue. She flinched as she saw the purple tint disappear.

"I have become such a bad person ever since Zeref had cursed me but since this curse gave me immortality as well, I could never die.  All I ever wanted since I regretted wanting that power was to finally die in peace. But not only die..."

Lucy started to feel Kuro's sorrow. She watched a little tear run down his cheek.

"What do you mean?" she asked softly this time.

"I want...a person to kill me...a person whose eyes are filled with hatred and has a strong desire to kill me, out of grief. And it should be someone who's actually stronger than I am...that is you... You can dispell my Ankhseram Magic so it won't kill you and finally end my life then. But I know you wouldn't do that, you're way to kindhearted... I want to make you really angry, SO YOU WILL FINALLY KILL ME!"

He raised his hand and a door got slammed open. In there was Nashi.

"Nashi, now you're going to do exactly as I have explained you or else you will die!" Kuro's behavior suddenly changed back to evil again. He glared at Lucy and looked at Natsu who he had dropped on the ground by now.

"Looks like you're the only one left to prevent me from harming little Nashi, Lucy Heartfilia!"

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