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Lucy ran on with Nashi sleeping in her arms. By now, she should have found out that Kuro had been torturing Nashi. Three years, three whole years had passed since Kuro had taken her. Lucy couldn't help but cry.

His could she have given her trust to somebody like Kuro. Wait...wasn't there something like a spell, that was it! Kuro had been controlling her this whole time. Lucy wiped her tears away as she saw Nashi slowly waking up. She sniffed once more and then finally stopped crying so Nashi wouldn't see her like that.


"Yes Nashi, everything will be alright again!"

"I know, thanks for saving me!"

In that moment Lucy smiled. Nashi had just thanked
Lucy for saving her.

"I am sorry Nashi...I didn't come earlier, I couldn't, I was under this spell which Kuro had cursed me with and I couldn't know what he was doing with you!" Tears started rolling down Lucy's face.

"It's okay mommy! It is not your fault at all, now I'll be fine again! Don't cry!" Nashi tried to comfort her mother. "By the way, where are we going and what is a curse?" Nashi added.

Lucy smiled at her daughter's curiosity. She started explaining, Nashi slowly falling asleep again. Well, at least it seemed like that. There was something Lucy didn't expect though, something that would change her life even more. Something unexpected.

When Lucy had finally reached her small cottage, it was already midnight. Lucy crept in. She could smell a cold, very old smell.
Has it really been that long, it seemed like the last time she had been here was yesterday.

Lucy hadn't been focusing on reality since Nashi had been taken from her. Life was a single lie to her and even when she was in the Fairy Tail guild, it was only for money. She had never talked to anyone, met anyone. Most of the time she had been planning what to teach Nashi next and missing her. Nashi was only four but she could already read, write talk in a very good language and she even understood a little bit of Math.

Lucy decided to take a nap while Nashi was sleeping too. She needed a little rest.

Next morning Lucy was woken up by Nashi jumping onto her. "O- ow, Na- shi - stop - thi- is..." Nashi laughed and climbed down from her mother's body.

Then, as Lucy realized that she was hungry she finally got up. Nashi must have been hungry too. But now she noticed that there wasn't any food in the house, since she had lived here four years ago.

"Um, Nashi? Are you coming with me, we should go and get some berries and fruits, there's plenty of that stuff here!"

And Lucy was right. There was a lot of delicious fruits, and it was Summer. Lucy had lived from that for almost a year. The fruits growing on the trees in that part of the forest had many nutrients, almost everything a human being needed.

"Alriiiight, I'm coming! Ahhh, I have something to tell you!"

"What is it, my dear?"

"Last night, I had a dream, I dreamt about you and me! The two of us defeating Kuro, that dumb shit, together!"

"Nashi, tell me where did you learn this from?"

"Uh, from...in the Black Palace...from other people...."

"WHAT??? THERE WERE OTHER PEOPLE?" Lucy couldn't believe what she had just heard....

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