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Kuro raised his arm and made Nashi fly through the air.

"Oh yeah, I can make my Blood Magic look like it's Telekinesis! But it isn't this is all Blood Magic!"

Kuro clenched his fist tighter which caused Nashi to be bent into a painful looking pose, still being held in the air. Lucy turned away as she heard Nashi cry and sob silently. Desperate to be saved. She was still a little kid, a six year old only.

Natsu had woken up again. "Nashi.." he stammered hoarsely. His eyes widened.

Lucy felt it inside her body again. This inner light. She closed her eyes because she knew what was going to happen and didn't want to kill Kuro all of a sudden, just because of her anger and grief. Lucy took a breath and the feeling disappeared.

"Why Kuro, why? Harming others because you want to die isn't going to make you any happier! Helping can fulfill your reason to live and make your life happiness! I am telling you this isn't going to bring you anywhere!"

"Luce is right, don't do this, you will only regret everything even more!" Natsu.

Kuro sighed and looked down. His eyes flashed back to blue again. "You've got to help me, I think I am possessed!" he yelled in that moment.

So Lucy had been right after all. She looked at Natsu, "Natsu, we have to help him, but how?"

"I don't get what you're saying Luce, first you act like he's your worst enemy and now you want to help him, I mean look how he has destroyed seven years of our lives! If I were you I would bring him to the magic council and report him!"

Lucy sighed. "It's not his doing, he feels as bad as us! Not to mention, it's for many centuries! We have to help him!"

But all of a sudden she felt that anger inside her soul. It was like she was being controlled, could it be Kuro? No, this was something much more intense and powerful. It was her Star Dragonslayer Magic.


"It's fine, I am alright, I am just activating my new magic, Star Dragonslayer Magic!" Lucy said her last words before she completely blanked out and her grief and anger took over.

"W-what, y-you're a Dragonslayer too?" Natsu stammered.

But Lucy didn't respond. She was already standing face to face with Kuro.

"I-I will kill you..."

Now Natsu also realized his eye colour flashing to a sorrowful blue. "He-he isn't evil..." he whispered. "And Lucy seems to be controlled by her Magic. I have to stop her!"


Now Lucy's eyes also flashed from golden back to brown. "No! I don't want to kill you!"
But they immediately turned back and she fired her blast.

"Star Dragon's Roooaaar!!!"

Kuro now managed to hold his "normal" (blue eyed) form for longer than a flash and embraced Lucy's attack with open arms.

"So this is goodbye, I am sorry Natsu, Nashi, Lucy....I've only done this because I wanted to die. Now I am dead. Have a nice life, farewell..."

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