The Easy Way

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One year later, Natsu and Lucy thought that it couldn't be any better anymore. They thought they were the happiest parents in the whole world. Nashi just made them extremely happy and even Lucy forgot it all. She forgot all about Kuro. She thought it was alright now, that Kuro wouldn't return anymore. But thinking like that was a big mistake, Kuro would come back, certainly. He would return in the least expected moments.

Anyways, Nashi was always the one to bring joy into the most frustrating moments. Although she lived on this planet for only one year until now, she made everyone smile with her sweet appearance.

Pink hair, blending into the blonde hair ends. Huge chocolate brown eyes. And her sparkling chalk white teeth. She was super sweet and made everyone's heart beat faster.

"Natsu, can you pass me over the baby food, please?" Natsu nodded and took the bowl of baby food from the table. He gave it to Lucy who was just combing Nashi's hair. Lucy thanked Natsu and shoved a spoon full of baby food into Nashi's mouth. Nashi spat it out.

"Nyah!" she cried, refusing to be fed. Natsu giggled as he saw that. "Ah, come on Nashi, you have to eat to get tall and strong!"


Now Lucy smiled too. "So Natsu, are you taking that job now?" Lucy questioned. Natsu nodded, taking a bite of his apple. "Yeah Luce, it's an S-Class quest, master trusts me! We need to earn some more money!"

Lucy flinched as she heard "S-Class" She looked him worriedly. "Natsu, you better come back alive! Nashi still needs you!"

Natsu smiled. "Don't worry Luce, I can handle that!" With that he left the house. Lucy watched Natsu out of the window until he disappeared behind the horizon, turning back to Nashi.

"And, Nashi! Wanna go to the guild today?" Nashi stretched her arms out, giggling happily.

Lucy didn't feel safe at all. First of all Natsu was gone and she didn't feel right without him. Secondly, Lucy had Nashi and she didn't think she could protect her on her own. Lucy sighed as she heard somebody ringing. She lay Nashi on the bed and dashed downstairs.

Lucy flinched as she took a look outside. She could recognise that face very well. Oh yes, she knew that face. He had returned. There was no doubt about it. He was no other than Kuro Shiyoru.

Lucy slowly opened the door, in fear. She knew very well what he has come for, yet she opened the door for him. Lucy just feared that he would destroy the whole house.

"Lucy Heartfilia, as I can see I finally found your location! Well, you surely can think what I've come for!" Kuro licked over his lips. Lucy's skin paled as he grabbed her by the shoulder. This was perfect timing, Natsu wasn't here.

Lucy was about to grab her keys as Kuro smirked,"Now, now Heartfilia! I am giving you an offer, either you leave me in peace and give me the child, then I will allow you to visit it once a week. Or you choose the other way, you fight me, I take you down, the baby's mine and you'll never, never see it again! You're free to choose!"

Lucy's body relaxed as she pulled her hand back to the front. She stared into Kuro's eyes. Pure evil. "I-I-..." Lucy stammered. "Now, speak up, Lucy!" Kuro said. Lucy sighed. "I decide for the easy way, Kuro Shiyoru!" Lucy spoke.

"Good, good, Lucy! That's what I wanted to hear!" Kuro laughed. It wasn't Lucy's intention that made her do that, more a sort of fear. Fear to lose her baby forever or even die herself.

"Now what?" Kuro enquired. Lucy nodded hastily as she hurried upstairs to get Nashi. Hot tears of anger ran down her cheeks but she couldn't prevent Kuro from getting her child.

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