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A week later, Lucy heard a ring on the door. It was Natsu, she knew it. Most of her time she had spent staring out of the window, depressed. Now, as she saw him coming back from the golden sunrise in the morning, she started crying and curled herself up in a ball in a corner. Lucy released a loud sob as she heard Natsu opening the door. 

"Luce! I am back!"  Natsu yelled cheerfully through the whole house. Lucy, who would usually  happily run into his arms was now crying. It felt like her heart skipped a beat as she heard Natsu coming up the stairs. She sat up.

No, Natsu couldn't see her like that. She tried to stand up now but her feet wouldn't respond. That was nothing special after one week without fresh air, little sleep and little food. A feeling like a stab in her heart made her freeze as she took a breath. Natsu was opening the door. Natsu. What would he do?

" Lucy?"

Natsu carefully scanned the room with his eyes as he heard a sob.

"Lucy? What the?"

No way, Lucy was in a corner, curled up in a ball, crying.

"N- Natsu..." she cried. "I... I am fine! And Nashi is..."

Natsu stared into Lucy's chocolate eyes, now having a glossy tint, very dull. He slowly stepped over to her, picked her up and lay her on the bed. Her bangs, laying a shadow over her eyes. Her pale and skinny arm, wrapped around Natsu's neck. Her big tears, falling into Natsu's chest as she had her head on Natsu's chest.

"Will you tell me what happened now, Luce? You're not alright, I can see that. Look at how thin and weak you got...Now, will you tell me what the past week happened?"

"Natsu...alright, I's Nashi...she is..she is..." Lucy had the word stuck in her throat. Kidnapped. There was no way she could tell Natsu. He would risk his life with his reckless behavior just to save Nashi. Lucy didn't want to lose him too. Plus, he would risk Nashi's life as well.

"Nashi, hm? She is....she is...."


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