Tell Him

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Lucy rushed into the guildhall, asking,"Where is Levy?"

Mirajane smiled, "She's sitting there, why?"

But Lucy didn't listen. She just grabbed Levy by the hand, pulled her outside and wanted to find a calm place.

"Waah, Lu-chan! What are you doing?" Levy felt confused. Lucy didn't let go. She continued pulling at Levy's arm.

"So," Lucy sighed as she calmed down a little bit.

"Now tell me!" Levy was extremely curious.

Lucy and Levy, both stopped running. Lucy took a breath. "Well, my secret... You're the first one to know it!!!"

Lucy seemed really excited. Levy looked at her in amazement. Alright but now tell me!!!" she almost squealed, her voice was that high. Lucy sighed once again. Then she started talking, finally.

"So, basically... Anyways, do you remember that sleepover at Natsu's place?" Levy nodded. "Anyways, that night, Natsu and might know..." Lucy started turning red, just like Levy. She giggled. "Oh, heh heh!" she smiled, "You were really drunk that night though! Is that all you wanted to tell me?"

Lucy immediately shook her head. "No way! Levy, can you tell me what happens if that???" Levy flinched. "Nooo waaay!!! You can't... you aren't... Lucy, you are pregnant????" Lucy released an awkward laugh. "Yeah, I am!"

Levy breath in,"Ohhh myyy goddd!!! No wayyy!"

Lucy nodded. "Yes, yes!" Levy just hugged her.

"Good luck, Lucy! Good luck!" With that she left and went back into the guild. Lucy stayed in the abandoned dead end street and looked up at the sky. Would it be a girl or a boy, she wondered. She kind of hoped it would be a girl, her little baby.

Lucy was still afraid of Natsu's reaction, she felt happy though. She would have a baby, a part of her. She really hoped that Natsu would feel as happy as she was right now. So, that's why she wanted to tell Natsu now, she loved him and he loved her, at that sleepover he had told her. Maybe it wasn't true though, he was perhaps just going crazy because of all the alcohol.

Lucy wasn't sure at all. Should she even tell him? But finally, she entered the guild, walked over to Natsu, who was sitting at a free table with Happy. "Hey Luce!" he shouted at her cheerfully. Lucy just smiled and sat down next to him. "Well, Natsu, there is something I need to tell you..." Lucy wanted to tell him as soon as possible. Natsu smiled,"Sure, what is it?"

"I- I am pregnant...and you are the father..." Natsu flinched.

"W-what? Me? Us? Getting a child? But I- I..."

Then he didn't say anything anymore. He didn't seem happy at all.

Lucy hugged him with tears of frustration in my eyes,"Yeah, aren't you happy?"

Then Natsu brushed her off, remaining completely silent, looking away from Lucy, seeming to be...disappointed.

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