Girl or Boy

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A few days later it was so far:  Lucy was about to give birth and Natsu was trying to get her to the guild, what an idiot. He knew the baby could come every moment. Lucy still didn't know whether it was a girl or a boy. Whether it was healthy or not. She hasn't been at the doctor because she only arrived four days ago.

Lucy started complaining,"Natsu!!!The baby... it's coming!!!"

Natsu just grinned like an idiot, "Lucy hang in there, we're almost there!"

Then he sighed. "Oh, dammit!" The doors of the guild were closed so he had to open them himself.

"Argh! Not that ice bastard again!" Natsu yelled as he saw Gray. "Natsuuu! Help meee!" Lucy squeaked. Natsu looked at her and kicked the doors open.

"Yo, watch where'ya going, Flamebrain!" Gray shouted. Natsu ignored him this time, what a wonder!

"Guys! Lucy's giving birth! Hurry up, prepare everything for Lucy!" Natsu yelled again. Mirajane looked at them surprisedly, "Oh! Really?"

Natsu nodded excitedly, "Just hurry up!" Mirajane nodded and went to the infirmary to prepare everything. About twenty seconds later Lucy was already lying on a bed in the infirmary. She was in pain, which made her sweat and cry.

(I am not giving any details to the birth)

Natsu was standing outside, worried and traumatized by Lucy's screams. He didn't understand how she could endure that all. Natsu closed his eyes, disgusted by his imagination. Then he changed topic. He wondered what it would be, a boy or a girl. Deep inside he somehow wanted it to be a girl. He knew Lucy also wanted a girl.

Then, a few amazed screams. "She's on fire!" Mirajane yelled. Natsu peeked through a little hole in the door. The baby was burning indeed, only Lucy seemed to be able to hold her despite the flames. Natsu looked a bit deeper into the room, amazed by the baby. What he didn't notice though was Mirajane, who slammed the door open, slamming it Natsu right into the head.

"Everybody! It's a little girl!" she yelled into the excited crowd, not noticing that she just had hit Natsu.

"Owww..." Natsu complained rubbing his forehead. "Oh, sorry Natsu I really didn't see you! Do you want to go see your daughter now?"

Natsu nodded, with a painful look in his eyes. He walked inside. There was a happy but exhausted Lucy. "Hey Luce!" Natsu looked at her and the baby. Lucy smiled. "Hello Natsu!"

Natsu carefully took up the baby, he kissed the little girl on the cheek. Then he turned over to Lucy again,"How are we going to call her?" Lucy smiled.


"Little Nashi, hello! Welcome to this world. I am your Daddy, Natsu! It's really nice to meet you, Nashi!" Natsu greeted the little girl. Lucy chuckled. Even Nashi immediately responded, smiling widely.

Natsu and Lucy, both knew, they would never leave Nashi, no matter what. They were her parents and she was everything to them.

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