Chapter 1

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Every summer my husband Ray and I travel to our home In Italy. We live in Phoenix Arizona the rest of the year. I've always been fascinated with the romance, culture and wine here. The first couple of years we both loved it here, this place just brought a spark to our relationship that Arizona couldn't give us. When we came here, it was no longer about his work, instead he actually payed attention to our relationship. Nowadays I'm the only one who truly enjoys still being here, well, for the most part. I don't see this place like I used to but, I still can't totally abandon my little slice of heaven I have here in this home.
"Hey I'm going to go walk down to the beach wanna join me?"
"Sorry babe, I'm meeting up with Angelo to have a few drinks, I thought I told you."
Angelo is our next door neighbor here, we've known him for about 5 years he has a beautiful wife named Sofia and six kids!! They're all very precious but gosh they deserve an award for being able to take care of so many. I have no children so guess I don't have much perspective, I believe six is still better than none though.
"Alright, tell Sofia I said hello"
I kiss his cheek and make my way out the door.
While I'm down at the beach I look back at our house and see that down a block there's a new home being built, which I find interesting because nothing seems to really change in this area. I wonder who's moved in, it's either gonna be a 20 year old blonde who's inherited a lot of money from her parents and enjoys bringing home older men from the beach to get drunk off of cheap vodka, or it's going to be a 60 year old white dude who's retired with his wife and enjoys watching football on his couch all day instead of enjoying the beach view right outside his window. I think I'd like the old man, at least he'd be quiet and he'd have a new woman for me to talk to.
When I get back, Ray still isn't home. I'm not surprised. I'll be honest, I'm content with Ray. We don't ever have to worry about money because he's a lawyer. He promised me when I was young I wouldn't ever have to work, I mean I'm not lazy but at the time I was a hard working waitress and nothing seemed better than to be able to prop up my feet. Now that I haven't worked for years I'm used to the boredom that I encounter day to day. Ray won't allow me to work, that's just one of the many rules of our relationship. He never wanted a child so years ago when I told him I was carrying, there was only one option in his mind. So here I am as a 42 year old woman with no one to keep me company except for my two best friends, Lori and Sharon. Sharon has her own children to tend to most of the time but thankfully Lori is as childless as me. Ray isn't a terrible guy, but he definitely isn't the guy I thought I'd end up with. Ever since I was a young girl I was fascinated with Mr. Perfect, at four years old that was Prince Charming, at 16 years old that was an older guy with money and romance and passion, at 27 that was Ray, he had money and a love for life. When he walked in, the room burst to flames. I guess that flame went out long ago. Now, I don't know what my idea of Mr. perfect is. Silly me, it's not like it matters, I could never have him. I'm with my husband of 12 years.
The next morning I wake up to Ray stroking my arm
"Good morning"
He smirks down at me.
"Good morning baby"
I go to kiss his lips but he slightly turns and I land on his cheek. Ouch.
"How about we go down to the farmers market?"
"Alright, just let me get ready, I'll be down in and hour"
I'm surprised he wants to even do anything, what a great start to the summer.
I make my way down the stairs wrapped in a white chiffon dress with my tan platform boots with my hair loose on my shoulders and a red lipstick accompanying my lips
"You ready to go?"
He's on the phone talking to his assistant at the law firm. In a hushed tone he tells me,
"yeah, yeah, I'll meet you in the car"
I sit in the car for 10 minutes practically baking from the heat until he finally gets in. I give him a look of disapproval.
"You look amazing"
Kiss ass, but I'll take it.
"Thank you"
One thing I used to love about my husband, was that he was always able to start a conversation with anyone. He really has connections for anything. You need someone who can tow your car? He knows about 10 people, you need a dress designer? He knows someone, you need someone to go wine tasting with? He'll give you a list of 15 eligible people. It's gotten quite annoying now because I can't walk the streets without him talking to someone for 20 minutes while I stand there bored as hell. When we get back from the farmers market, I set my fresh bouquet of flowers in a vase and hang up my new dream catcher.

"I think I've got us a new gardener"
He hands me a business card.
"Oh, I didn't know we were looking for someone. What happened to Julio?"
"I fired him at the end of the summer last year, he spent more time sitting on his ass instead of trimming the hedges"
I roll my eyes because how would he know what Julio does when he's never here.
"So who's this new Gardener?"
"Some man named Lindsey. I'm pretty sure he's gay" he chuckles to himself. I don't get what's funny but whatever.

I hope this story sounds sort of interesting😬 the first couple of chapters are gonna be more on character development

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