Chapter 12

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"It's so beautiful in here"
I open the white curtains to be met with a gigantic pool and beyond the pool is a view of the sea. I turn around and Lindsey has already made himself comfortable in the center of the California King bed.
"Ooh they even left mints on the pillows!" He gasps.
Watching him stuff the mint in his mouth I chuckle and carry on exploring our air BnB on the opposite side of the island Capri, for obvious reasons. If I can run into Lori at a stoplight It's possible I can do the same with Chris or Ray. The bathroom is almost the size of my walk in closet back home and when I see the cute miniature sized lotions and creams I almost get as excited as Lindsey did about the chocolate mints. When I make my way back to our room I find Lindsey asleep. I'm not really surprised, he loves to sleep almost as much as he loves to eat. I cover him with a light blanket that was hanging on the back of the chair in the corner then I begin unpacking our clothes into drawers. I even packed my bathing suit, which I only bring out on rare occasions. When I'm done settling in, I pull out my journal and start scribbling some poems, which are more like phrases right now, but when I find all the right words it'll come together like a puzzle.

Ooh it's so romantic
Hey it's so soulful
The rain falls down
And the thunder rolls

Somewhere in my subconscious those words make sense to me and flow on to my paper. I've been writing and writing and Lindsey's still asleep so I decide to go take a dip in the water. I reach into the drawer pulling out my black one piece that has an open back and grab a shawl to use as a cover up.

The sun is just over my head and the sound of the ocean tides crashing are just a few yards away. I lay my back onto the water and I just float, looking at the clouds passing by and I occasionally lift my head just a tad so I can admire the view of the mountains.
"My, my Well isn't this a treat"
I quickly spin around and cover myself with my hands as best as possible.
"Hey! No peaking, look away"
I try and rush to get out but he stands In my way.
"Let me swim with you"
"Are you crazy you can't see me like this"
He giggles to himself
"Stevie I've seen you in a swimsuit once before"
"Yup, your first and last time"
Quickly he pulls off his shirt and his shorts and jumps in with just his boxers. When he comes back up for air he meets my stern face.
"Oh come on, you're being ridiculous. You're gorgeous"
"Suck up" I splash water at him and try my best to swim away from him but he pulls me back by my ankle
"Ah ah ah"
He wags his finger at me.
"Very bad girl."
I bite my lip smirking as he draws me closer to him. He pushes a lock of hair behind my ear then leaves a trail of kisses from the corner of my mouth to the soft spot around my ear. My legs wrap around his middle but I sit a little lower so my crotch is right up against his growing member. I run my hands through his hair while he kisses my neck. I lean my head back for easier access. His hand creeps between us and he pulls my swimsuit to the side so my southern flesh is exposed. He rubs his finger between my folds then circles my clit painfully slow.
He stops his movement and I whine.
"Take this off"
I look at him timidly and he gives me a  reassuring look.
I slowly pull the straps off my shoulders and pull it down as far as possible without having to go underwater. Once again he pulls me closer to him and takes my pink erect nipples into his mouth. While he swirls his tongue around each hard bead I lower my hands to his man hood stroking him through his boxers.
"Mmm Steph- uhh" he groans.
I slowly reach for him under neath the flap of his underwear. Rolling my thumb over the head. His work on my chest has become sloppy and erratic. Ask I quicken my pace on his bulge his head hangs back with his mouth open.
"Lindsey, out"
I stop my movements and he pulls us out of the pool so we're laying on the tiles. If there's anyone around they're going to get a hell of a view.
I pull his boxers off rapidly and latch my mouth onto his member, swirling my tongue around the head then dragging it down to the base. He pulls his hands over his face trying to breathe through my movements. Bobbing my head up and down and trying to get him in as far as possible. I gag a couple of times in response. Suddenly my mouth is full with his orgasm. Cream seeps from the side of my mouth and I pull off of his shaft. He bends up to kiss me, tasting his self on my lips,
"My turn" I bite my lip with a devilish grin.
I straddle his waist, pushing his member in, inch by inch.
"Uhhh mmm"
I rock my hips while he holds me tight. I wrap my arms around his neck inhaling his natural scent while we both pant into each other's ears. With one last rocking motion my orgasm rips through me, long and deep.
"Oh my god! Ahhh"
We sit for a moment as I settle down, holding each other. He kisses my shoulder
"I think we need a shower"

If you guys couldn't tell, S&L made their get away for a couple of days😛

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