Chapter 6

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"Hey hon"
Lori kisses my cheek after she gets comfortable in the passenger seat.
She nods her head and we make our way to the hospital for her appointment
When she comes out of the doctors room her face is as white as a ghost. I drop my magazine and pace to her
"What happened?!"
I reach out to grab her hand while ushering her outside.
She looks at me with saucer wide eyes.
"It's not a stomach bug"
I eye her curiously waiting for her to elaborate but then I catch on...she's pregnant.
"Is this good?"
"To me yes. To Christopher, I have no idea... we stopped trying long ago-"
"Lori he'll be overjoyed! I know my brother"
"You think so?"
"Of course! He always admired the Brady bunch" I jokingly nudge her shoulder.
Her disheveled appearance withers away and is quickly replaced with a Cheshire Cat grin. She pulls me into a hug and almost squeezes the life out of me.
Once I'm back home after dropping Lori off at her house I make my way to the kitchen and pull out a bottle of wine. No one's here to judge me for drinking at 1 p.m. so I pour myself a hearty glass. I'm so,so happy for Lori and Chris but I can't help but be sickened with jealousy. If I had a child I feel like my marriage would finally come into place. Ray won't allow me a child though. I've never tried to disobey him. He's done so much for me. He's always said that a child would get in the way of his work and it would ruin our relationship. He's told me for so long that a child would tear us apart and I've listened to him. I would hate to bring a child into a home where it couldn't get love from both parents.

At 2 P.m. I'm already really buzzed. Not drunk, I do know how to pace my liquor intake. Usually.
I'm still shocked when I see Lindsey make his way into my house.
I shriek because I didn't hear him come in or even expect him in here.
"Sorry, you weren't answering the door but I saw your car here, and... uh- sorry-" he nervously scratches the back of his neck.
I pull a hand up to my mouth
" I totally forgot you came here for the garden ... I've been pretty busy today"
He chuckles then looks at the bottle of wine behind me.
"I see that..."
I blush in embarrassment.
He looks overly delicious today. His black v-neck shows off his curly chest hair and his 'work' pants that are obviously used for outside jobs are tight in all my favorite places.
"Are you okay?"
He asks me and I snap out of my daze.
"Uhm mhmm"
"Would you like me to run you a shower? You seem a little out of it"
He chuckles again. Him run me a shower, in my own house? Seems odd.
"Mhmm second room upstairs to the left... I like my showers hot"
After he's started the water he comes back down to help me up the stairs, I'm very capable of walking but I like the feeling of his arm wrapped around me. I've still had enough drinks to make impulsive decisions so when I pull him into the bathroom with me and crash my lips onto his I don't think twice. Neither does he, he hungrily responds to my kisses but then he stops
"You've had too much to drink and you have a husband stevie"
"I haven't had enough to drink for you to take advantage of me and he's not here"
His mind is reeling and I can see it.
"You want me don't you?"
"I respect you Ste-"
"You want me don't you?" I repeat.
And without waiting another second he grabs my hips and pulls me into another kiss. Our mouths hot against each other. This is what I've been thinking about since I met him.
He pokes his tongue into my mouth and I do the same. We continue searching each other's mouths for awhile then he starts undressing me. This is real. I start becoming sober, but I still want him. I'm left in only my white bra and panties. he's unbuckled his belt and brings his pants down. In a frenzy I pull him into the warm shower. The rest of our clothes cling to our bodies. I quickly pull the shirt off of his body running my hands over his chest. He unclasps my bra and pulls my breasts into his mouth.
"Mmmm" I moan and inhale the vanilla scent from his hair.
The warmth of his lips on my nipples and the mixture of heat from the shower arousing me to no ends.
He slowly pulls down my underwear and I stop him. Not because I don't want him but because I'm insecure. For the last 12 years sex has been limited to the bed and twice on the couch.
As if he can read my thoughts he looks up at me with sincerity
"You're beautiful"
He sheds me of my undergarments and rubs me down there.
He groans at my wetness.
He circles my clit a couple of times excruciatingly slow then spreads my legs wider latching his mouth sucking at my labia then tracing his tongue harshly against my clit.
"Uhhhh Lindsey!!"
My knees start wobbling. I haven't had anyone go down on me in years.
I feel a tightness in the pit of my stomach and my center becomes hot like lava. I grab his curls pulling him closer to me if that's even possible.
"Oh my god!!" I shout.
My legs twitch and thick white trails down my inner thigh. He pulls away from me after I finish, grinning like a child. Traces of my orgasm are on his face and I grow embarrassed. He dips his finger into my folds and pulls out with a dollop of my fluids and brings it to his mouth. His face satisfied like he just tasted sweet cream and honey.
He stands to his full height and kisses me gently once then pushes me against the shower wall holding me tightly. He repeatedly kisses my neck then inserts  himself into me with his generous length.
I let out a long throaty moan and he does too in response. He feels so good. Intoxicating even. What have I gotten myself into?

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