Chapter 9

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"You didn't"
I chuckle at him but on the inside my heart is doing summersaults.
"I did. You didn't think I was gonna take you out here for no reason did you?"
He reaches behind one of the seats in the Little boat and pulls out a picnic basket.
"It was a little hard finding food that wouldn't go bad easily, so I hope club sandwiches and wine are okay?"
Those two are such an odd mixture, but how could I say no? I put my hand over his and grin like a fool.
"It's perfect"
His eyes go wide and he reaches into the basket again
"And last but not least, for dessert, animals crackers" he says with excitement
I squeal like a child in a candy shop
"Lindsey! You remembered"
I had only told him once and he remembered that these crackers have been my favorite treat since I was a toddler.
"I haven't had these in ages"
He chuckles and pulls the bag away from me when I try to have those before anything.

Never did I think this would be happening, but I've successfully gotten tipsy off of wine on a tiny ass boat in the middle of nowhere and my stomach is full with a family size bag of animal crackers.
"You're so thoughtful, this was really fun"
"Not too lame right?"
I giggle at him, Im not sure if what he actually said is funny or if I'm that buzzed.
"Definitely not lame, honey"
We slightly freeze from my little pet name, which I don't know why because we already said 'I miss you' to each other.
"Stevie can we have an honest conversation?"
Yup, it's heading there.
I nod in acceptance.
"What are we doing?"
"Well we just got done eating lunch,"
I sigh and he eyes me sadly.
"I like you Lindsey. A lot. That's all I can say for right now"
"And what about Ray?"
I really don't know how to follow up with that question
"What about him? He's my husband"
He nods his head in defeat. What did he expect me to say?
"How about we row back?"
I don't say anything but he continues his actions until we get back to the dock. He gets out first and while he has his back to me he ties the boat down I don't wait for him to help me and I step out on wobbly legs. I curse myself for doing that because next thing I know, warm algae filled water rises above my head. I hear a loud splash and strong arms wrap around my waist. When we bob up for air instead of confirming his question, if I'm alright I fall into a fit of laughter.
He follows soon after me. Our laughter echoing off the trees surrounding us. If there was anyone else out here, they'd look at us like we're insane. Our laughter is choppy but continuous as we get back on to the dock. He lifts me up first and then uses his tone- tan arms to lift half of his body up so he's leaning over my legs that are dangling of the edge and we both meet halfway to lock lips.
"You know I think you're beautiful right?"
"Thank you..." my cheeks burn red
" beautiful, even when you have a shit load of algae in your hair"
He loudly laughs and pulls his body all the way onto the dock when I start shrieking.
"Lindsey get it off!"
"Okay, okay!" He giggles
When Lindsey drops me back off at home I go straight upstairs to the bathroom. I smell... well like pond water. I've only been gone two hours which is believable, since he thinks I was out with Lori. Shit, Lori. She seen me at the intersection. I still want to kick my own ass because that happened. I have terrible luck or something.
Ray pounds on the door.
I step out of the shower and quickly cover myself with a towel. Peering through a crack in the door
"Your brother and Lori want us over for dinner, special news or something"
"Special news?" I repeat his words,
The pregnancy.
"Yeah... didn't you just get done having lunch with her? Why are we going over?"
My mouth falls agape as I think of an excuse.
"Oh you know Lori, she can be short minded sometimes"
I try and fake a laugh.
"Hm, alright, well they want us there in an hour and a half so hurry up"
Yes master.

Two updates in one day...Am I annoying you guys?😂

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