Chapter 4

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"You're friends with him?!"
Lori's eyes are wide open with interest.
"Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?"
"Okay, I'm saying this as nice as possible, but you pretty much live by familiarity so anything outside of that is 'wild' for you!"
I roll my eyes at the comment. It's true. Though it still hurts me a bit.
"So what is he like?"
"He's so engaging to talk to. Such an interesting take on things. He has this way of showing you perspective of things you never realized. He's such a goofball too! And he loves adventure!"
I notice that I'm getting a little too excited mentioning my new found friendship with Lindsey from the glance Lori is giving me.
I chuckle but keep my eyes on the road while we drive to meet up with Ray and my brother Chris.
She sincerely smiles and pats my thigh innocently, then drops the topic.
I sit in my brother and Lori's living room watching a football game with them and Ray. Football here in Italy is really soccer in the U.S. it took me a good three years to figure that out. The boys get up and shout every 10 minutes. I'm not sure if that's good or bad but they're real loud when they do it. I zone out at this point and I wonder if Lori does too. Probably not because my brother is the most caring and attentive. They both work very hard on their relationship, so I'm sure he's taught her the rules of the game so she doesn't feel left out. It's not the best when I get too deep into thought. Right now I simply can't distract myself. Although I shouldn't, I allow myself to start thinking about my marriage. Ray is a good guy, he really is. He just isn't the good guy in our relationship. We don't communicate like we used to, not much passion, really there's just nothing new to us anymore. I tell myself we're just going through a really rough patch. I want it to be just that. I constantly lose sleep over why my marriage has turned out this way. Was I neglectful at some point? Am I that boring? not young enough?... maybe I'm bad in bed.
I quickly snap out of my self pity.
"I've been talking to you, did you hear anything I said?"
I suddenly feel stupid with all their eyes on me as Ray questions me.
"Sorry, I'm a ditz! I kinda spaced out"
The boys chuckle but Lori just gives a fake smirk. She knows when I get into that bad mind set.
"Let's get home babe"
He pulls me up off the couch and after we say our goodbyes we're on our way to the house.

I lie on the end of the king sized bed watching Ray zip down his pants. Once everything falls to the floor he hovers over me, smoothing his hand over my naked thighs then rubbing his hand over the crotch of my panties. I pull him to my lips making sure he doesn't stop what he's doing. I let out a moan onto his lips
"Already getting excited baby?"
He softly chuckles.
I'm sure he just meant that playfully but I get slightly insecure. Nevertheless I carry on. He unlatches my bra and takes my nipples into his mouth. I wrap my legs around his middle slowly grinding my hips into his groin. He groans and the strength of his voice vibrates on my chest. He frees himself of all his remaining clothes and quickly plunges his manhood into me.

I screech. I mean I was ready for him but at the same time a little more foreplay would've been pleasant.
He continues his movements increasing his speed. He pulls out then positions me to lay on my knees and hands then repositions his self back into me. Once I've started getting worked up, my chest covered in heat rash and my breathing shallow, a tightness in my lower abdomen starts to increase-then it's gone. he pulls out and dumps his load on my chest.
"Did you finish?"
He asks me out of breath.
"Mmhmm ,"
I kiss his cheek covering myself with the sheets then make my way to the bathroom to go relieve myself because no, I didn't finish.

Sorry I haven't updated, school's crazy!
Is this still interesting??

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