Chapter 19

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* Trigger warning- physical violence*

"Ray... I-"
"Stevie inside."
"Inside. Now!"
I look at Lindsey then back at Rays furious eyes. I slowly make my way back inside with my head down the whole time. I stand near the glass doors and I hear Ray fuming.
"Get the fuck off my property!"
Lindsey hesitates for a second.
"Don't make me call the police you bastard!" Ray shouts
Lindsey grabs his tools and makes eye contact with me, worry is evident. He then exits out the side gate.
Ray stomps back inside and when our eyes meet I know I'm about to be in hell.
"What the fuck did I just witness? Huh? Tell me."
"You fucking liar!"
He gets in my face pointing a finger at me and I shrink down. I've been avoiding one of his melt downs ever since his last one which was around two years ago. It was bad. This one is going to be worse and I know it.
"You stupid whore! You've been cheating right? With that dumb ass gardener"
Tears seep from my eyes because I'm truly scared
"Don't fucking start sobbing on me. You brought this upon yourself"
He pins one of my wrists above my head to the wall.
"Ray please- you're hurting me"
"Good,you're an evil, manipulating, cheating bitch and this is what you deserve. How could you do this to me? I buy you what you want, like this fucking house! I work long ass hours to support us, all I ask is that you be a good house wife but noooo you can't even do that!"
He's yelling so close to my face I can't even look him in the eye which is pissing him off more.
"It's not all about money..." I whimper
"You're fucking unbelievable!"
He pushes me to the ground and grabs hold of my ankles and drags me through the living room
"Ray! Stop! Please!"
I'm frantically grabbing onto anything I can hold but he just yanks me back
He stoops down onto his knees and grabs a fist full of my hair yanking my head upwards, I hold my head in pain
"You're worthless" he whispers harshly  into my ear. His words cut like knives and I don't know what's worse- the physical or emotional pain. He let's go of me as I drop to the floor and before he can make his next move adrenaline pumps through my body and I run as fast as I possibly can upstairs to our bedroom. He's hot on my heels but I lock the door a split second before he's able to get in.
"Open this fucking door!"
He pounds his fists on the wood. I know I don't have long before he gets in here so I frantically dial on the telephone.
"Lori I need help. Help please. It's Ray. Bring Chris please" I say frantically
I hang up before she can respond and when the phone is being placed back on the receiver Ray breaks down our door. I stand up in the middle of our bed against the wall, like it'll help but honestly I don't know what  to do. His eyes say murder. He races to me and wraps his long fingers around my neck I gasp for air while I panic. I slap him across the face as hard as I can muster and in a second his trance is broken. He dissolves to tears in the middle of the bed. I'm naturally a very nurturing person so I have to fight my instinct to comfort him, I rush out of the room heading down the stairs to be met with Christopher and Lori
"Are you okay?! What happened?!"
Lori frantically checks my body over
"Where the hell is that bastard?!"
Chris darts past us and towards our bedroom
"Chris no!"
The world is moving in slow motion and my eyes keeping blurring in and out. Next thing I know I'm on the floor.
"Chris, honey, it's Stevie! Come!"
Lori is crouched over me with a face full of anxiety.

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