Chapter 3

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"Hey honey, I'm going down to the beach. Wanna join me?"
I wrap my arms around the back of Ray.
"I don't know babe. It's so hot."
I sigh and unwrap my arms away from him.
"Then wear shorts"
He looks away scratching the back of his head.
"Fine... suit yourself."
"Stevie don't be like that"
"Like what?"
I ask in a monotone and continue to make my way out the door.
Thankfully the beach our house is built on is private, so I don't have to deal with a whole bunch of children kicking sand in the air that will eventually get blown back into my face or deal with a throng of 20 year old girls here on vacation that'll just make me feel self conscious. Even though I'm laying under an umbrella I make sure to lather myself in Sunscreen. There's very few people I can see in the distance so I feel comfortable enough in my swimsuit. Trust me, I'm not wearing no string bikini. A black      one-piece with a matching sarong. The warm breeze is so soothing and watching the clear blue waves crash against the shore line is enough to send me into a daze. That daze is called a nap. When I open my eyes again I'm woken to another blue. A blue that belongs to a pair of eyes.
I squint trying to adjust my own eyes to the pair focused on me.
Suddenly I'm very aware of my small amount of clothing. I frantically grab for my towel, covering as much as possible.
"My gosh I'm sorry you have to see me this way"
A shade of crimson washes over my cheeks.
"Why are you sorry? It's the beach."
A chuckle passes my lips, he's right.
"Oh gosh, everything is so serene here I must have fallen asleep"
I mentally shake myself, I'm embarrassing the hell out of myself.
"Can I sit with you?"
"Oh of course."
He sits on the chair besides me that Ray used to accompany. Thankfully the umbrella that covers me is big enough to fit a small village underneath so he isn't heating up in the sun.
"So how do you know about this beach? It's private, you're not trespassing are you?"
I say in a light tone so he gets I'm joking. Oh god what kind of joke is that? I sound like a mom!
"Actually I live around here. My house is just on the other side of that buoy"
He points to the opposite side of the beach and laughs with a full grin showing his charming white teeth
"So no, I'm not trespassing"
I playfully swat him I really don't know why.
"I was joking!"
He nods agreeing to my statement.
"Wait, so you're the one who moved into that new house? I was wondering what bimbo was new on the block"
"Welp that's me, new bimbo on the block"
We both share a laugh, he's so easy to talk to. I guess anyone is easy to talk to these days because the only real conversation I get that, isn't with myself in the mirror, is with Lori or on the phone with Sharon.
"What made you move here? Are you originally from Italy?
"God No, I wish I was from here but I'm originally from Palo Alto, California. I came here about 20 years ago after I saw this photograph in a museum- the beautiful island of Capri and I knew I had to live here. I guess it just took me a few years to finally get here" he motions to the area we're in and smiles with content.
"That's amazing. So how long have you been a photographer?"
"As long as I can remember. I didn't make a job of it until I was 25 though,"
I gaze at him in admiration, not only is he pretty to look at but he also has a beautiful mind.
"Anyways... that's enough about me, how did you and your husband Ray end up here?"
I look out at the ocean for a moment remembering when my dream of owning a house in Italy became my reality. A smirk grows on my face.
"I guess I've always been fascinated with Italy before I even knew what it was like here. Not only did I love it here, but I loved what it did for our relationship,"
I wince at the fact that I mentioned that, also the way I said it. I hope he didn't catch on in anyway that our marriage is rocky. Well, rocky sounds eventful my marriage is quite bland. But that's okay.
" I totally understand. Italy has a way of either breaking relationships or rejuvenating one. Everything is just so truthful here."
I'm sure he's letting on that he wants my relationship to work so I'll forget the whole mention of breaking a relationship.

We talk for what seems like hours and I know Ray is going to question why I was gone so long, so when the heat starts to simmer down and the breeze grows stronger I bid my goodbye, for now. I mean... he's my gardener.
" I hope to be seeing you again, it was nice talking to you"
He smiles warmly at me, I admit, I did like talking to him too.
"Well, I'll be seeing you on Tuesday right? My garden?"
I laugh nervously.
"Oh yeah...of course"
He obviously feels rejected by my answer but politely smiles back and I start walking away. I stop though. That was rude of me and he seems like great company, what's the worst in being friends?
I look back and call to him.
" Lindsey!"
He turns around jogging the short distance back.
"You wanna go to the local farmers market with me tomorrow morning?"
"Alright that sounds nice"
"Okay. 7:30?"
He winks and walks away.
Well he's confident. He's so very enticing that I catch my self grinning like a Cheshire Cat on my walk home.

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