Chapter 10

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"I'm pregnant!" Lori beams.
Ray looks shocked then smiles. My brother stands up with his hand over his chest and his mouth wide open.
"Are you serious?!"
Lori bites her lip and nods timidly.
Chris grabs her and pulls her into her arms squeezing her tightly then smothering her with kisses. This whole time I keep a wide smile but on the inside I still feel a twinge of sadness and complete jealousy. I always imagined this. Having a close dinner with the ones I loved. My husband would be thrilled and after everyone left we'd leave all the dirty plates and run off to the bedroom. I don't want to even imagine what my brother is going to do to celebrate once we leave...

"Steph you knew about this?"
I nod my head with a smile.
"When you guys were out on the boat and I took her to her doctors appointment"
"You sneak!"
Chris starts tickling me in my sides and it's totally not age appropriate but I can tell he's totally giddy.
"Chris stop!"
I say out of breath in between fits of laughter.

We all give each other hugs and kisses goodbye and we head for the door. Before we can leave Lori stands in front of Ray and I
"I'm spending the night at your house tomorrow, us girls have some talking to do. I don't care if you stay in the spare bedroom or if you stay here, but Ray, there will be no interruptions"
She points her finger at him and he chuckles
"Alright sure"
I laugh nervously and a knot forms in my stomach.
"Steph someone's at the door"
Ray grumbles.
"You get it" I whine.
After about two minutes of silence I throw on a robe and head down the stairs. Usually he doesn't sleep in but he's seemed to have come down with a migraine that's left him in bed.
I say shocked for a moment. I freak out for a second because the man I'm having an affair with is at my door then I calm down because I'm stupid enough to forget the reason he's here. He's our damn gardener, Stevie.
" forgot what day it was?"
I slowly nod while walking him through the house to the back door.
When we reach the glass doors, I open one then eye my surroundings and pull him into a slow and long kiss.
"Miss me huh?"
"You know it" I wink at him.
"I'm gonna check on Ray, he's not feeling well, then I'll be back down to keep you company"

I check on Ray. He's fast asleep so I change into a red floral dress, very casual but still my style then I comb through my hair and apply some light mascara with a tad of concealer. Perfect. Then I walk back down the stairs and outside barefoot. I watch Lindsey and his biceps flex every time he clips the hedges. A few beads of sweat trickle down the back of his neck. The crease between his eyebrows as he's focused. The mix of silver and black that form perfectly in each curl on his head. He notices my intense eyes glued to his body and stops what he's doing, facing me.
I snap out of my daze.
"You fascinate me"
My eyebrows knit together in confusion. Never have I ever heard someone say something remotely that sweet to me. How poetic.
"Thanks... I mean— what is this from?"
He drops his bush clippers and walks towards me trapping me between the closed doors and his body.
"I know this is asking a lot, but I want to spend more time with you. I know you have a  husband laying in bed upstairs, but let me spend more time with you. I know you... but I don't. I want to know how you got that tiny scar on your left ankle, I want to know if you prefer sparkling or flat water, I want to know if you sing in the shower, I want to experience dancing with you, I want to know what your sneezes sound like... I want to know what makes you- you"
There's so many things to that statement that frighten me. I'm also extremely excited too. I'm in over my head. I like it though. I like him. A lot. This is getting wild. Is it crazy that I yearn to be with him more too? I think we're both getting a little too hungry for each other, physically and emotionally. I want this though... I think.
"Lindsey, how? I want to say yes but I can't just disappear for a few days and pop back in whenever I want to"
"If I come up with a good idea will you say yes"
I slightly sigh and look down at my feet then back up into his pleading eyes
"Fine, it better be good"
I playfully shove his shoulder and he pretends to be hurt.
"You're such a goofball"
I kiss his cheek then make my way to the lawn chair.
"Now carry on, my garden is in desperate need of TLC"
He chuckles and continues with his work.
This man seems to keep me young, I wonder if I do the same to him.

Hmm what do you think? Are they in dangerous territory? Do you think Stevie and Lindsey will be able to have a clean get away?👀

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