Chapter 7

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That day with Lindsey was long and amazing. After our shower we went out for lunch then the beach. My garden wasn't touched that day and I didn't mind. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other. During lunch his hand was glued to mine. Everything just felt so natural and I loved being in my little pretend world. Everything got much more real When he invited me to his house for dinner today. I'm definitely over thinking everything. Well, I guess my thoughts are rather rational. This is an affair now. I guess if I don't continue to have sex with him it won't be an affair. He's gonna want sex though. Why else would he ask me to go to his house? I'm dying to tell Lori but it's just too dangerous and I don't want to be judged right now. I just want to feel something again, I keep telling myself that's what this whole 'friendship' is. A need for attention. He'll be forgotten by the end of summer and Ray and I will be okay. I'll work harder on our relationship. We'll be us again.
he opens the door to me and eyes me up and down
"Hey you,"
A cheeky smile spreads across my lips.
"You look... amazing"
I'm wearing a black long sleeved blouse that shows off my  breasts just a tad and a floral skirt with these adorable black boots . My hair is tied into a bun with a flower that I added in last minute and short layers are framed around my face.
"Thank you, so do you"
He holds his hand out for me to grab and when I do, he leads me into his beautiful home. All of his furniture is white with brown tables to accompany them and for a guy it's rather impressive. He has guitars hung on one side of his wall, rolling stone books loitering the table and other photographs on the opposite wall that I assume he took.
"Big music fan?"
"Totally. I think In another life I could have been some hot shot rockstar"
He winks at me and We both fall into a fit of laughter then we move on to the other pictures.
"These are beautiful, did you take them?"
One is of an older woman holding a red tulip and the next is of  two men who look like bulkier versions of Lindsey.
"Yes, that's my mother and those monsters are my brothers"
"Wow I couldn't tell, I mean you guys look so different!"
I say in complete sarcasm and playfully swat his shoulder.
"Har har har" He jokes with me.
I love how light conversation is with him.
Over dinner we have small talk. Family, friends, pets, interests. With most people it'd go in one ear and out the other but he has a certain je ne sais quio. I focus on his eyes, lips, smile. Those talented lips that just make me replay, over and over, our last meeting that took place in my shower . I probably look like a lion eyeing a gazelle. I notice I'm not the only one hungry for attention when he pulls my hand up to his lips and kisses my knuckles slowly and suggestively.
A very light moan leaves my lips.
Am I really turned on just by this?
The answer is yes.
Suddenly I have confidence and I lift my self from my seat. For a second he's confused until I urge him to scoot his chair back and I sit myself on his lap with my upper half turned towards him. I'm acting like such a ditz, my gosh why did I do this? I told myself we wouldn't be having sex...
"I wanna take you out of this dress"
Please do.
I smirk at him and pull his jaw upwards with my thumb and index finger, our lips meeting slowly and sensually.
"Wanna give me a tour up to your bedroom?"
I wake up to the sun beaming through the shutters onto my naked skin and the sweet aroma of pancakes. Lindsey is nowhere to be seen. I pick up his rather large band T-shirt that's laying on the corner of the ottoman and make my way down the stairs.
"Good morning"
I say, making my presence known and coming up behind him watching him flip the pancakes.
"It is a good morning"
I softly chuckle into his shoulder blade that I'm laying feather light kisses on.
"How did you sleep?"
He asks while transferring the food onto two plates.
"Amazing, you?"
"Amazing" He repeats my words.
"Would you like to have breakfast in bed?"
"That sounds perfect"
Maybe he doesn't just want sex from me... I mean, he would have assumed I was leaving around now, if this was just a one night stand kind of thing but here he is in all his tamed glory- flipping pancakes.
Once we make our way back up the stairs and slip back into his cream colored sheets we dig in.
I moan at the taste.
"my god, these are so good"
He chuckles and kisses my cheek as a thanks.
Suddenly I hear a ringing.
I rush over to my purse across the room and pull out the large block device.  I hate this thing so much but Ray likes me to have it so he can reach me when it's "important".
"Stevie where are you?" Lori asks.
"Uh I'm out, why?"
"I came to your house and you're not here, I need you."
"Lori is everything alright?"
"No, no I need to go to the hospital-"
Her voice breaks.
"I don't want to go alone," she lightly whimpers.
"I'm coming right now, where are you"
"I'm still at your house, please hurry"
I quickly grab my clothes scattered on the floor and pull on my skirt
"I'm so sorry Lindsey, my friend Lori, remember I told you about her? Well she needs my help"
"Is she alright?" He becomes almost as frantic as me and it's quite endearing.
"I have no idea"
I gather all my things and make my way towards the door
"I'll call you!"
I shout at him while I haul ass down the stairs out to my car.

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