Chapter 14

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The next morning I'm woken up to the gentle strumming of Lindsey's guitar which catches me a tad off guard because I don't remember him bringing it but, hey, I'm not gonna complain. It sounds beautiful. I bury my face deeper into the sheets then peek one eye out watching him. It's way too early the sun has just come up through the silken drapes. There's a small vase on the nightstand with one rose. The red stands out perfectly against the golden walls. The room begins to glow all in cream colored ivories and soft yellow. His strumming comes to an end and just like a movie he looks up at me and softly says
Straight and to the point but somehow he makes it sound poetic. He puts down the guitar, pulls the rose out of the vase and hands it to me
"It's lovely"
"Just like you"
I smirk and softly chuckle
"Cheesy but cute"
I kiss at his nose and pull him back into bed with me.
"Cuddle me"
And he does, as I drift back into sleep.
I groan in irritation at the petting on my lower hip.
"Go back to sleep"
He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my back side into him
My eyes shoot open at the feel of his erection, a grin grows on my face as I turn around in his arms. Our lips brush each other's and we roll our tongues together. We break apart smiling like horny teenagers
"Good morning" I say out of breath
"It's 11:30, but good morning"
He softly laughs then holds my face to his as our lips take position once again. He slinks his arm to the back of me and squeezes my bottom, I rake my long fingernails through his hair as his hands come back to my front and rests just above my hip. I suck at different spots along his neck as his hand moves lower and lower until he reaches under my nightgown.
"No underwear? Naughty.."
"Mmhmm" I purr into his ear.
He sits up on his knees and pulls my night gown over my stomach, my eyes shy away from his intense stare as I grow self conscious
" You're so beautiful"
He sets between my legs and rubs my lower lips with his hands, sleekly massaging. He sets his mouth on my slit and licks upwards and downwards then darting his tongue into me.
"Oh fuck, right there, yes! Oh my god mmhmm" I whimper out.
My mind feels extremely hazy, my heart pounding and everything becomes numb except the spring within me that tightens and tightens then finally an explosion goes off in my core
"Fuck! Jesus Christ lindsey!"
My body jerks as I come down from my high and I pull him hungrily back up to my lips.
"I want you"
He happily agrees and pulls his undergarments off and pulls his hips into me hard. He buries himself in me and thrusts quickly
"Harder Linds, please" I beg.
He hits my cervix and I yell out into the room in pain and much pleasure. My breasts are bouncing which makes it a bit harder to watch his member disappear into me. His rhythm and pace slowly fall apart as our climaxes both grow closer.
"You feel so good mmm" he grunts loudly
Our breath is erratic and besides the sound of him slapping into me, it's all you can hear. My core is pulsating and I stare into his eyes as we both shatter. Climaxing together we both yell out each other's names. He collapses next to me and we both lay defeated.
"Very good morning" he teases.
"Stop it!" I blush in embarrassment. I kiss his cheek then roll out of bed to actually start my day.

"Oh gosh I can't remember the last time I've been in one of these!"
I fasten the small worn out belt in the bumper car as Lindsey runs over to the blue car just a few feet away from me. I was hoping to look at a few shops and maybe find a cute dress but when I saw Lindsey's giddy child like smile when we saw a 'play arena' I couldn't resist. So here I am. The buzzer rings and the game of bumper cars officially starts. We're in a rink with three other people and they seem to all be focusing on each other, while I focus on ramming my cart into Lindsey. In all the commotion I frantically search for him. Before I freak out because I can't spot him I feel a jolt behind me.
"Catch me if you can!"
Lindsey's little blue car pulls away from my red one and he swerves around trying to avoid me. I press on the small accelerator, that really doesn't do much, and I T-Bone his car. Our bodies fill with laughter as the buzzer goes off to end our game. We step out of our cars still chuckling like children and walk out of the arena with my arm resting around his waist and his draped over my shoulder.

This is probably a little corny buuuut what can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic and the thought of S&L make me swoon!

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