Chapter 15

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"I love this song!"
I crank up the volume to the radio in the car as "Sister Golden Hair" by America fills the car.
I lightly sing to the song filled with euphoria, as the sun beams down on the car and my hair flies all over the place. Big smiles plastered to both of our faces.
" well I keep on thinking bout you sister golden hair surprise
And I just can't live without you can't you see it in my eyes?"
Lindsey belts out at the top of his lungs and since I've heard him sing before I know that's not his voice! Laughter rips through my sides
"Lindsey! You're ruining the song!"
Their is meaning to that statement because it is such a beautiful song but I'm having too much fun with him to actually make him stop. The ride back to our side of the island isn't too far and usually I'd be thankful for that but like I've said, I'm having a lot of fun. I'm sad our three days are over, but I must return to reality. A little while later Lindsey pulls off to the side of the road to a little food cart
"Stay here"
He smiles at me then leaves. He comes back with two Chocolate ice cream cones.
"Thank you!"
I kiss his cheek and moan at the sweet sensation.
"Mm I haven't had ice cream in years"
"You're lying" he looks at me skeptically.
"I have to watch my weight"
I say casually as I keep my eyes on the treat. He stops his motions and looks at me like I'm crazy.
"You gotta be joking"
He laughs although it's obvious he doesn't find it funny.
"Why would I?"
I nervously laugh at the situation.
"What makes you think you gotta watch your weight?"
"Well I don't know... I have to look good"
"You're silly."
I playfully pinch at his side
"No I'm not!" I giggle at him.
"well you're perfect to me" he adds in nonchalantly.
I stare at him in admiration for a few seconds then take my cone and bop him on the nose with the dessert so there's a dollop of ice cream left behind. His mouth falls open in surprise.
"Evil!" He exclaims.
I pull my self over to his side of the car and lick it off his nose with a wicked grin.
"Sorry bout it"
We share a chaste kiss and once we're done eating, we get back on the road.
"I had an amazing time Linds"
I nuzzle into his neck as he holds me tight. We're both acting like we'll never see each other again. After a few more moments we break apart and although our eyes say a million different things our lips don't say another word as I get in my car and reverse out of his driveway. He stands and waves at me goodbye. I watch him in the rear view mirror until his figure is miniature in the distance.
On my way back home I call Lori to tell her I'm almost home and that I'm coming to pick her up. I mean, we were supposed to be on a retreat together so we must come back home together right?
"Well look at you"
"What?" I laugh at her and make my way back on to the roads once she's fully seated.
"You look good. Real good. Almost glowing" she says in a suggestive tone.
"Well I had a good time, now hush."
"Good time huh? What'd you guys do?"
I roll my eyes at her and stay quiet.
"What? You don't wanna say you had sex? Because it sure looks like you had a lot of it!"
I cluck my tongue to the roof of my mouth.
"Lori stop!" Shes totally embarrassing me.
"Oooohh stevie got L-A-I-D"
"You're terrible. Terrible!"
Our laughter dies down and the mood gets serious.
"Now tell me what's really going on. I've played with your light mood and I've gone along with all your little tricks but I want the truth now"
"Honestly I don't know" I sigh.
"Well how'd it all start? You said you guys were just friends"
"Well... we were. We just hit it off from the start and we'd meet up maybe two or three times a week to just chat and we got to know each other then, the day I took you to your appointment I came home and drank. I wasn't drunk but I was really buzzed and extremely horny and he came by for the garden"
I pause to look over at her for a reaction but her face is calm. She's intently listening to me with no judgement.
" since the moment I met him I thought he was one of the most gorgeous men I've ever seen but that was all. Ray told me he was gay, then you proved him wrong and... I don't know. My buzzed self responded to my subconscious thoughts and now here we are almost two months later"
She's silent then she calmly states
"And you're falling for him"
I roll into my drive way and park the car. I stare at her while my mind races. Am I? I mean, I love being with him. I would be with him all the time if I could and god my whole body responds to him like a drug. That's just sexual though right? I connect to him like no one else and I'm my self around him 100 perfect of the time, but that just means we get along and I'm comfortable right?
"Oh Steph"
She pulls me into a hug and I realize a few tears have left my face.
"I'm gonna help you get through this"
I don't want to get through this though, I just want him. I can't though...

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