Chapter 26

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I've been in Arizona for a week now and have had daily calls with Lindsey, maybe even up to three times a day.
"Yes honey" i smirk as Lindsey asks me for the millionth time if I'm coming home today. My flight from Phoenix to Italy is 15 hours and if I didn't have Lindsey there waiting for me I'd be completely dreading it all.
"Lori had me drive her to one of her appointments and everyone in that room was pregnant Steph! It looked like they swallowed bowling balls!" I giggle at the shock in his voice. I love how they seem to be comfortable enough for Lori to have him drive her around and for Christopher to even be okay with it!
My father walks out onto the patio with me and sits down looking at me expectantly
"Look, Lindsey I'll be heading for the airport in a few hours and I'll get to see you soon. Chris is gonna drive us so you don't have to worry about picking us up. I love you"
"Okay, be safe. I love you too Steph"
I look awkwardly back at my father to see what topic he's gonna approach me with.

"You really love this man?"
"I do"
"And he's good to you? He's not like that fucker Ray? I'd kill him!"
"Daddy stop. No, he's nothing like Ray."
"Stephanie is your divorce finalized yet? You know what it looks like being with a man while you're still married"
I shake my head annoyed but also with a bit of shame because he's right.
"I haven't served him the papers yet. We haven't gone to court."
"Your mother and I can help you with that. We'll pay for an attorney. What's your living condition right now? I'd hate to think you're staying in your shared home right now. I don't want him to come after you for anything."
"No, I'm staying with Chris and Lori. I'm gonna look for a job dad"
"I'm sure you will, but for now, I'll help you out with a place to stay and I'll cover this all. I've missed you, I'd do anything to help my girl out"
He rubs my shoulder and I smile up at him.
"Thank you daddy. I'd hate to burden you but I'm in no place to say no."
"No burden sweet pea, we'll get this covered"
He starts to move to get up but I stop him
"Uh dad. I have a question-" he gestures for me to continue
"When mom told you she was pregnant with me... how did you react?"
He eyes me suspiciously but continues
"Well as you know, you were a surprise. Nonetheless I was ecstatic. I was having a child with the woman i loved and that's all that mattered, I didn't care about the timing. When you were born I was a totally different man- for the better. I'm a true family man and I wouldn't have it any other way"
I nod my head slowly trying to apply this knowledge to my own situation. I still haven't told Lindsey that I'm pregnant because I'm truly scared on how he'll take it. I couldn't bare it if he ran away. Either way, I'd have this baby with or without him, but I'd love him to be there.
"Why do you ask?"
I swallow the lump in my throat and I feel terrible because my mother would have loved to know this information before anyone, but here I go-
"Well... I'm carrying Lindsey's child dad. Please don't be upset."
For a moment he looks away and I can't read his face. He looks down almost pointedly then back up at me.
"You've always wanted a baby kiddo" he pulls me into a hug and I hug him tightly back.
"If he truly loves you and from what I've heard- he does, he'll be over the moon"
I kiss Chris' cheek and say goodbye as he drops me off at Lindsey's house. He's standing in the driveway obviously expecting my arrival and crushes me in a hug inhaling the scent of my hair.
"Ive missed you"
"It's been a week" I giggle as he walks me inside
"I've still missed you!"
"I missed you more silly" I kiss his nose and he wraps his arms around my waist.
"Take me to bed" I whisper
He picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder
"Lindsey!! You better not drop me!" I shriek and slap his butt
He tosses me on to the bed and lays himself between my thighs. I nip at his neck as his knee  rubs against my lower half causing friction exactly where I want it. He slips his hand into my shirt and gropes my breasts
"Mmm Linds, I need more"
"More what baby?"
I moan in frustration
"Liiiiinds please. I want you"
He pulls my skirt off and rolls my shirt off the top of my head. Leaving me in only my undergarments. I tug at his shirt and in a frenzy I rip it open with the buttons flying everywhere. He looks at me like I'm crazy but I see with a glint in his eye, he's turned on. He quickly sheds his jeans and boxers.
"Show me how much you want me Steph"
My chest is heaving and I'm desperate for his touch.
"Touch yourself" I bite my lip nervously.
I've never done that for anyone and I've kept that part of my life very, very intimate.
He moves his hand beneath me and squeezes my butt showing just how desperate he is for me too. Slowly I snake my hand to my thigh and pull off my black underwear. He groans and slowly starts moving his hand up and down his shaft. I rub over my soft nether lips and use my ring and middle finger to circle my clit. I moan at the heat forming at my center.
"Yes baby. Are you thinking about me?"
I bite my lip and nod.
"I want you Linds. I need you in me, to fill me. I'm going crazy"
He looks at me sympathetically and replaces my hands with his own.
"I'll take care of you baby" he lays between my thighs and inserts one finger in me and sucks on my clit simultaneously
"Oh fuck! Yes- Mmmm"
He inserts another finger in me and pumps in and out quickly. I'm close to the edge and I can tell he senses it because he stops and replaces his fingers with his length.
We both moan in unison at the contact.
"You feel so good. So damn good"
As much as I love this, I want to take control. I motion for him to pull out and I push him on his back so I can straddle his waist. I take inch by inch painfully slow so we can both savor this. I grind my hips into him building my pace. We're  panting heavily and our chests are covered in heat rash's. We kiss sloppily and I can feel him tense inside me.
"I'm right there baby, come with me" he whispers
"Come Steph" he repeats and that's all it takes for me to fly off the handle.
"Oh fuck Lindsey! Yes! Yes! Ahhhh"
Our movement slows as we come down from a high and we cuddle up under the sheets. In the intimacy of the moment a tear comes down my cheek and I try to wipe it away stealthily but he notices
"baby what's wrong?" His brow furrows
"I have something to tell you..."
He holds his body up on his elbow and looks down at me seriously. I pull the sheets up to my chest.
"Im-" I pause and sigh... I'm such a coward
"I'm just really nervous about this all... I just want my divorce to be finalized"

Guys, I'm terribly sorry for not updating. My life has been crazyyyy these past few weeks and in all honesty I just haven't felt like writing. I hope you'll understand and enjoy this chapter😉

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