Now Knowing, With You.[2018 Wattys!]

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I sat at a desk, facing Sasha, Krista, and Hanji in our classroom, I opened my bento now and I picked up my chopsticks to start digging in.

"So? Are you and Riku, you know, dating again?" Krista suddenly brought up. "Huh? Who's Riku?" Sasha said. "Oh yeah that's right, Sasha wasn't there on Sunday." Hanji said.

"Riku is an ex-boyfriend of (Y/N)'s." Hanji said, her eyebrows going up and down.

"Oh! I want to meet him!" Sasha said. "Whats he like?" Sasha asked me.

"Well he's nice, laid-back, funny, charming, silly, caring, and definitely handsome." I gushed about him.

"Oh. It sounds like you still like him. This entire time I thought you were with Eren." Sasha said as she played with her food. She twirled her rice ball around and around in her hands.

"Eren? Well I can kind of see it, but no-." I tried to say before Hanji started to speak over me.

"Oh no no no, dear Sasha. Berthodlt and (Y/N) are the cutest couple I've ever seen."

"What! No, Marco and (Y/N) are something very special!" Krista suddenly spoke up, injecting her own thoughts about the situation.

"Well at the same time, Armin is a pretty good match, he is so adorable and (Y/N) is so short and innocent. Both of them are incredibly smart. An ideal match!" Sasha put her rice ball back in her box, clearly getting deep into the conversation.

"What? Armin? He is too timid to be with an absolute beauty that is (Y/N). Levi has known (Y/N) longer than any other boy!" Ymir budded in after hearing the conversation that was now turning into an argument.

"Why must you all be so blind? Jean and (Y/N) are honestly the cutest couple." Hanji said slamming her chopsticks on the table and standing up in frustration.

"Can you keep it down! Eren and (Y/N) are an item. So keep your blabbering down!" Petra walked into the classroom after over hearing.

"Why the hell is this happening?" I said silently to myself. All the girls were riled up and bubbling with determination and anger.

"For your information, the best ship will always be Reiner and (Y/N)! Have you seen that guys muscles? I bet he can lift (Y/N) all the way down the isle!" "Connie and (Y/N) should be something! He may be as dumb as a coconut but his funny nature and handsome smile could get any girl!" "How could you say something like that? Armin and (Y/N) are and will always be the number one couple of the school! No one can top how cute they would be!" "Erwin's bulging muscles and (Y/N)'s petite body is the ideal match of the centuries, not one couple can top how adorable cute they'd be!" One by one, girls rolled into the room to insert their thoughts about the topic making the situation worse instead of trying to fix it.

Mikasa walked into the room and everyone turned their gaze to her, she looked like she wanted to say something to the ignorant girls.

"Can you all shut your mouths for one minute? You all sound like a pack of seven year olds. It doesn't matter anyway because Eren and (Y/N) will be a thing." She said before walking back to whatever she was doing.

While they were making a fuss about what Mikasa said, I took this one to grab my things and walk out the room. It isn't like they'll notice anyway, they're too busy yelling about the 'best ship.'

I walked to the courtyard and set my stuff down and started to eat there.

"(Y/N)! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Someone called out to me. I look at the direction it came from  and I see Eren running towards me with his bag.

"Hey Eren, it's nice seeing you out in the courtyard." I said to him, a wide smile emerging from my lips.

He sat next to me and took out his bento bow from his bag. "Mind if I eat with you?" He asked me before breaking his chopsticks apart.

I shook my head no and he started to eat. "Woah! When did you have time to cook Tebasaki?" He said while looking at my food with wide eyes.

"Do you want some?" I gestured to how excited he was about. He vigorously nodded his head and opened his mouth.

I used my chopsticks to get a piece of it off to feed to him.

"Wow! It's so good! You can really cook!" His eyes glistened. I shook my head, smiling, and continued to eat my bento.

"(Y/N) would you like to hang out-." Eren began to speak but a voice called out my name before he could finish his sentence. I turned my head to look at the person, it was Sasha running with a whole bunch of girls behind her.

"(Y/N) and Eren! I KNEW YOU GUYS WOULD BE THE BEST COUPLE!" Sasha yelled and all the girls behind her let out a war cry.

I look over to Eren to see his face tinted red. "(Y/N)!" People everywhere were calling my name. Hanji, Sasha, Petra, Krista, Ymir, and other girls were leading their own groups of girls who believed in different ships towards Eren and I.

"(Y/N)! Help us!" I heard the sound of all the boys voices calling after me. I saw them all being chased by girls.

They hid behind me and Eren, clearly scared for their lives. "They won't stop following us everywhere!" Marco said, cowering behind me. "They're packs of girls looking for us everywhere!" Connie said, shivering. "It's supposed to be a good thing, for me! The ladies have finally turned their eyes towards me but not in a good way!" Jean said, making everyone stop to look at him weirdly, he turned the other way, his face and ears red from embarrassment.

"What the hell is wrong with all of them?" Levi said, mad about the situation.

"I don't know..I really don't know." I turned to all of the boys, the girls going quiet from the suspense of what I would say.

"Tell me honestly," I started to say, taking in a small breath and letting it out softly.

"Do you all have a....crush on me?"

"Yes. Yes we do."

Well okie that's about it. Hahhahaha I left you all on a cliff hanger.

Well as you can see I am back from camp. I had a little fling while I was there. I would stare at him he would stare at me. You know the weird stuff.

But later on I found out that he liked a different girl but he continued to stare at me and get close to me. So that's a liiiiitttlle weird.

I recently entered this book into the 2018 Wattys! I super excited! Remember to vote for the book!

Stay Kawaii!~🌸🌹❤️

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