Levi Ending

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She opens the door to reveal Levi standing there with an even bigger stuffed bear than the one Riku got me. It was a little bit taller than he was.

"Oh! (Y/N), someones here for you." She called. I got up and I walk over to Levi. Hanji hurries to join my mother who was on the couch, wanting to know who that boy was.

As soon as I walk up to the door, Levi pulls me outside and closes the door. I stumble onto the teddy bear and surprisingly it didn't fall over. Levi turns around to me and straddles my lap.

"(Y/N), I know you've heard this before but I don't think you heard it loud enough." He wraps his hands around my torso. "I love you, (Y/N). You make my heart pound faster than the legs on a cheetah running at one hundred miles per hour."

"I've been in love with you for the past two years, but I've never had the guts to tell you how I feel." He looks down with a red face. "I want you to be mine and mine only. I want to be the one who makes you smile, the one who kisses you, holds you, the one who comforts. I want to be your everything." He finally looks me in the eyes with tears pricking the edges.

"Levi..." I whispered as I brought my hand to cup his face.

"When we had that talk at your bay window, I felt something rise in my heart that just drew me to you, it made me want to protect you. When you started crying, it just made me want to hug you and tell you everything was okay, that no one would hurt you. I want to ensure that no one hurts you, ever." His tears began to fall down his face.

"I've never talked about my mom in front of anyone except you. I feel a connection with you (Y/N). When you went to sleep, I whispered to myself hoping that you would love me the way that I love you." He smiled at me, this would be the first I've seen him smile. "I want to be the one only who calls you those cute but gross nicknames, I want you to be my cupcake, my sunshine, my 'cookie wookie,' my everything." We both chuckled at the last one.

"You have been and will always be everything to me, I'll make sure no one takes you from me." He sniffles a bit.

"Can I steal your next kiss and all kisses after?" Another tear waltz it's way down his face and splats on the teddy bears leg.

"Of course you can—." Without any hesitation, he kisses my lips. A few seconds later I respond. We break the kiss after a long time.

"I don't know if I can say this but," he stares at me directly in my eyes. "I've missed your lips." We both chuckle.

"I'll make sure my lips never leave yours." We both smile, knowing what I meant. His lips slowly meet mine again.

5 years later...

"Levi! Mmhhm.." I moaned out as we sat on the bed of Lennie and Hanji's apartment. "I can't hear you," Levi yells out as well as he sat behind me with both of his legs on both sides of me. He scrolled on his phone as he put his head in the crook of my neck. I leaned my head on top of his and he kissed my cheek.

Soon Hanji and Lennie ran in and tried to put a stop to whatever started. "HEY! You two are not gonna do that on—." They both stopped when they saw us just sitting.

"So you both finally decide to show up." I smile at the two of them as they looked confused. Levi finally looked up at the two but only cuddled closer to me and looked back down at his phone.

"What was taking you two so long?" Levi murmured as he leaned his head on top of mine. Lennie looks to Hanji with a smirk.

"Hanji was telling Deo just how much she loved and missed him." She begins to poke Hanji's side. "Lennie, I told you not to tell!" Hanji squealed.

win her heart(AOT Boys X Reader)[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now