Connie Ending

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She opens the door to reveal Connie standing there twiddling with his fingers while staring inside the house. His eyes lingered over to me and he immediately looked away. "(Y/N)! You have a visitor!" Hanji squealed as she hopped over to me. She grabs my hand and drags me over to Connie.

She nudges me to go outside with him and she closes the door with a sly look on her face. "Nieces please." She says before closing the door.

I turn around to Connie to see him staring down at the ground. "Hey Connie, what do you need?" I asked him with a smile.

His face turned a small pink color and he looked down at the ground with a small smile on his face. "Well, uh..I came here to tell you something."

"What is it?" I began to teeter back and forth on my feet waiting for his answer.

"Well (Y/N), is it weird that I feel this strong connection to you, almost like love," he scratched his head as he looked up at me. "I think I'm in love with you (Y/N), I know this is really awkward since you already knew, but I really, really, really love you." He grabs onto my hand and slowly steps closer to me.

"I really, really, really love you too Connie." I chuckle as I stepped closer to him as well, kissing him softly on the lips. I back away to see Connie's face a light pink color.

"Woah, C-can you do that again?" Connie said quietly. I giggle and slowly moved towards him once again.

7 years later...

"Babe, look it's so cute!" I pointed to a pink colored baby shirt that said: "It's not my fault I'm adorable."

Connie stood behind me and trailed his hands from behind my back and he lets his hands rest on my stomach, where our baby girl rested.

"Yeah, that is really cute," he said as he plants a small kiss on my cheek. "This is so weird we're having a baby!" He squealed. "I'm going to be the best dad ever!"

"Of course you are, now come on we have to go get some more socks and onesies." I said as I began to walk away with his hand in mine towards the sock section.

8 years later...

"Mommy! Can I go to my friend Ayumi's house?" My daughter Remi asked me as she pointed to her friend Ayumi who stood beside her.

"Hmm, oh sure but only if Ayumi's mom says yes," Remi's face brightens up and the two girls run off to go find to Ayumi's mom.

"Momma," I felt a slight tug on my pant leg. I look down to see two big (E/C) eyes looking back at me. I pick up my two year old daughter Konnie and I hold her in my arms.

"What is it baby?" I cooed, kissing her plump little cheek. She lays her head down on my shoulder and closes her eyes. "Aww, are you tired?" She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Now where is your dad?" I began to look around the crowded park we were visiting to see Connie talking to Ayumi's dad.

I walk over there with Konnie in my arms, he sees me coming and smiles widely.

"Sweetie, come here, I was just talking to Ayumi's dad, Mr. Sera," he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me towards him.

"Hello, who's this?" Mr. Sera coos towards Konnie who stared at him with her hand in her mouth.

"This is Konnie," I said as I bounced her on my side a bit. Mr. Sera laughs and pats Connie in the shoulder.

"Well she certainly looks a lot like you Mr. Springer," he chuckles as his daughter began to call on him. "Duty is calling, it was nice speaking to you Mr. and Mrs. Springer, I'll talk to you later okay?" He waved and began to make his way towards his daughter.

Konnie began to blabber as she reached out out for Connie's red tie. I hand her over to Connie and I smile as I see him tickling his daughter.

Finally, the happy ending that I've been waiting for.

Two more endings!


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