Can't Do It, With You

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The chapter is based of from Attack On Titan Junior High Episode 4

Eren sat there, upside down on his wired stand. While everyone else including (Y/N) excelled on balancing on their wires.

"O-okay.." Eren said to himself. 'Why am I-how do I work this thing?' He thought.

Mikasa and Armin stood behind him as his sat there, upside down.

'This can't be happening!' Eren thought to himself once again.

"What is your major malfunction Jaeger? Now straighten yourself up!" Rico scolded the boy who looked at her, terrified.

"Just remember the basics and you should be fine." Mikasa recommended to him.

"Loosen up your stance a bit, if I could do it I know that you can!" Armin tried to cheer him up.

His hands went up to his face as he thought to himself another time. 'That's it! I'm gonna do it, I have to! I may not be as talented as the rest but nobody has more guts!'

'I'm not giving up! Not without a fight!' He immediately straightens and stands tall, his arms out, giving him leverage to turn back around.

Armin and Rico looked at him in excitement, while Mikasa looked at him blankly, but you could tell that she was proud of him.

'I did it, I friggin' did it!' Eren then started to loose the balance he had tried to maintain and went flying forward, his face hitting the ground hard.

"Eren!" Mikasa hurries to attend to him. "Never in my life have I seen a kid with less altitude." Rico responded to his plight.

"Eren's so athletic though, something must be throwing him off." Armin said to Rico.

"What's your trick tough guy? You've screwed up in every way imaginable, short of an accidental equipment related in his fixation. Face it man in better than you, I mean its no big deal really, some people are just born with skill." Jean states, all snobby-like.

"Woohoo! First one up the wall!" Connie called as he zoomed past Jean. "I'm right behind ya! Hehe!" Sasha zoomed past as well, giggling on her way up. "Hey wait up! Excuse me, Jean!" (Y/N) bolted straight through the middle, passing Jean up.

"Hey, quit showing off!" Jean yelled at them.

"Look at em', those jerks!" Eren jealously said. "Getting mad about it isn't going to solve a thing, there's time to get some practice in tomorrow morning." Armin tried to lighten the mood around them.

"Either way, to stay in the club he has to master the gear, Wall Cleanup is only for students with balance." Rico said.

"What happens if he sucks?" Armin said frantically.

"What do you think happens? He'll be put in some other club."

"Oh, please, just give me a chance!" Eren begged, while on his hands and knees.

"I don't make the rules, the weak simply have no place here."

"Oh no, I'm pathetic how am I supposed to fight the titans if I can't even stand up straight?" Eren said, his head lowered in shame.

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