Riku Still Loves Me? With You.

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"Yes. Yes we do." They all said in unison.

"This is the part where Eren will kiss her..." I heard a fan girl whisper. "What? It's totally going to be Levi who will kiss her." Another one whispered back. "You guys are being delusional. It's going to be Marco who will kiss (Y/N)." "Am I the only one who ships her with Riku?" "Shut up and see what happens!" Another whisper shouted.

My face was as red as a tomato. "How could I be so oblivious? Of course you all liked me, I should've known from day one...all the weird glances you guys gave me, the times you scooted closer to me, held me.." I mumbled softly but still to the point where they could hear me.

I stood up and gathered my things. "I don't want it to be awkward between us...for now on this moment did not happen." I quickly muttered out before walking away. I could hear the wails of the fangirls going crazy.

"How could she leave us on a cliffhanger?" "This can't be happening! What do we do with our lives?" "My OTP will sink in the quicksand that is my heart!"

I walked all the way to my next class with the feeling of eyes on me. When I reached the classroom I heard a familiar voice talking.

A tall boy with dark brown hair was standing with his back turned in front of me. Realization hit me like a rock and I finally came back to my senses.

"Riku?" I questioned the boy, he turned around and saw me. His eyes instantly started to shine.

"(Y/N)! Guess what," He pauses for a second. "I'm transferring to Attack High!"


Riku and (Y/N) were walking back to her house after going to a new smoothie place that opened up after school.

"I can't believe your smoothie shot through your nose! That's what you get for laughing while drinking!" Riku ruffled (Y/N)'s hair.

"Hey! You're the one who made me laugh!" She said punching him in the shoulder, playfully.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to look at him. "(Y/N) why are you making me feel this way?" He said as he studied every beautiful feature in her face.

(Y/N) looked at him with those beautiful (E/C) eyes of hers, her gaze could melt anyone's heart. He stared back with his beautiful light brown eyes, making (Y/N)'s heartbeat quicken.

Riku slowly leaned in and (Y/N) leaned in as well. They closed the gap between them and moved their lips in synch, keeping up with the rhythm of each other. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, standing on the tips of her toes. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in closer.

They both missed the feeling of being this close, they both wanted everything to just freeze so they could stay in this position for eternity.

But due to the fact that they had to breathe broke the kiss. They pulled away getting all the air they needed to go back in and kiss again, but the both of them just froze staring at each other, processing everything that just happened in their minds.

"I still am in love with you, (Y/N)." Riku broke the silence between them.

Riku was waiting her response, suspense killing him from the inside, he started to regret confessing.

"I still love you too, Riku."


I made the chapter shorter today to build up the tension, because we're nearing the end of the book.

See you guys later!

Stay Kawaii!~🌹❤️🌸

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