Meeting Neville Longbottom

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IT was going to be your fist year of school at Hogwarts. You had received your letter a few weeks before school was starting giving you enough time to get all the necessary school supplies. Your Mom was so proud of you. Your mom was always the remodel in your life since your father had passed and technically was the only wizard in your family until you came along. You have to admit your mother didn't know everything about the wizzarding world. But she always tried her best to study up on what to know about magic and what not. When shopping came along you convenienced your mom that you would be fine shopping alone. You regretted it since it was your first time shopping at Diagon Ally. But at least your list gave you and idea of what to get (then again your mom made it for you...).

-Pet (not mandatory)
-Potion set
- A Quil along with ink
-Course books

~After~ at least an hour of shopping you went to the last store to get your robes fitted. That's when you saw nevil for the first time. No one else was in the shop besides you, him and his grandmother. You assumed he just gone done being fitted since his grandmother was pulling him by his arm, once he noticed you he blushed a light pink of embarasment probably due to the fact his grandmother was pulling him like he was a young child. You gave a little smile and waved goodbye. He tried to wave goodbye too, but his grandmother rushed him out the door before he could finish.You wondered to yourself if you would ever meet him face-to-face or maybe even become friends.

So this is my first book ever as I mentioned before i know it's pretty sloppy but i really did try. Thanks for reading!!! (that is if anyone will even read this 😅). Also lemme know if you guys would like another chapter and feel free to tell me your ideas or thoughts.Bye 😁


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