Truth or Dare

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That night after the whole herbology incident between Neville, you had planed on going to bed strait away feeling rather tired.You entered the common room only to be greeted by a lot of people including George,Fred,Neville,Ron,Harry,Hermione, and Ginny.
"What are you all doing up this late?" you asked.
"We're all going to play truth or dare!" Answered George and Fred at the same time.
"Brilliant, I'm off to bed so don't be too loud"
"Not so fast your name, we were waiting for you so we could start the game" said Harry pulling you to a chair.
"Bloody hell, fine but if I fall asleep don't wake me or else you'll be a goner."
"Okay let's start the game!"said Ginny in excitement.
"Ok I'll go first just to get it out of the way so I can continue my book" said Hermione.
"Ron truth or dare?" She asked
"Hmm Dare!" He replied
"Okay Hmm let's see what something Ron would despise, I dare you to give up eating for a day and try reading for once."
"That is something you would dare isn't it Hermione" you said laughing to yourself.
Ron had a shocked look on face probably due to just the thought of him not being able to eat and on top of that read!
"My turn!" You yelled .
"Harry truth or dare" you asked.
" Alright! Leave a love note to Draco using the fake name of Drarry ". (*Cough* *cough*your welcome Drarry shippers *cough*)
"Bloody hell, that's just weird but nonetheless I'll do it" he said  grabbing a sheet of paper and started to write.
"Our turn!!! Said the twins.
"Your name, truth or dare?" They asked in unison.
"I don't want to be the first one to pick truth so dare" you replied.
The twins gave each other a devilish look. "If your crush is in this room then kiss them"
You started to blush like mad.Everyone in the room started to laugh a bit seeing your reaction only confirming that you did like someone in the room.Everyones gaze was on you now and even Hermione looked up from her book to see what was going to happen next. You slowly got up and made your way towards Neville though he was sitting next to Harry so everyone just stared intensely at you waiting to see who you were going for.You finally got up to Neville and kissed him on the cheek. He started to blush now too,but he was a brighter shade of red then you.
"I-I'm going to go to bed now" you said still blushing
As you started heading up to the girls room you heard footsteps behind.
"Your name!" Neville said
"I'm sorry Neville I know you don't like me that way and I underst-
"Your name, it's okay you honestly don't know how happy I am, I've liked you ever since I got to know you better I just didn't want to ruin our friendship if you didn't like me back."he said interrupting you with a really big smile.
"How could I not your the most charming, beautiful,funny, and sassy girl I know!"
"Thanks Neville..." you said smiling.

Okay then we'll that's escalated quickly didn't it? Have you guys ever been in a truth or dare situation that you'll never forget? Or maybe just the pressure of saying dare since no one has picked truth yet 😅 that's probably me. But any who thank you guys for reading please leaves some comments so that I know people are reading this and have suggestions. Thanks for reading byyyyyeee!


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