Visting Your Mum

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After a whole lot of testing Dumbledor decided that he would grant everyone a week off. You weren't complaining, when you have done a lot of testing your brain is pretty much fried and a week off is a chance for it to recover.Some students wanted to stay at the castle but you however wanted to go back home for the week and catch up with your Mum. Neville on the other hand was going back home to visit his parents and see if he had forgotten anything.Once you got home with your Mom the next day she immediately starting asking questions.

"How all of your classes? Make any new friends this year? You and Neville officially a thing!?!"

You heard her last question and nearly fell out of your chair. She definitely didn't waste anytime you just sat down in your kitchen and she was already throwing questions at you. Plus you kinda forgot to mention to your Mom that when you went on break with Neville awhile ago you two were a " thing" ,but in the letter you wrote to her asking to go you didn't mention you two being a thing. Oops,well it seems your forgetting more these days.

"Yes well about that Mum, me and Neville are w-we'll we're dating!" You hid behind your chair now scared she was going to attack you or something wild. But instead that crazy mother of yours started to laugh hysterically.

"Mom? Have you gone mad? "

"HA it's about time you know how long I've been waiting!! When can I meet him?"

"Mum you've met him before....."

"I mean I would like to meet him as your boyfriend not as your best friend from school!"

"I dunno Mum but if he ever comes over don't make a big deal out of it, like I said you've met him before"

"Yeah I cant make any promises but any who let's have dinner shall we"

After a filling dinner you were ready to head to bed, those train rides seemed to make you tired then you already were! You brushed your teeth and put on your comfy pjs and "slithered" into bed (cough cough 😏). You already started to doze of when a bloody owl came swooping through your open window that you now regretted leaving open for some fresh air. The owl landed on your bed and walked towards you with a letter in its clenched beak. You took the letter from the owl and opened it as the owl fluttered back out your window. It was a letter from Neville!

Dear your name, not even a full day has gone by and I miss you like mad! I want to see you soon when you have the chance. Let your mother know I said hello.
Love Neville

Neville is so sweet .Maybe it couldn't hurt to invite Neville over, your Mum was already excited to meet him (again). So it's settled tomorrow morning you would ask you Mum if he could come over for the day!

Soooo there is going to be a part two by Thursday since I update every other day. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please leave any suggestions. Thanks for reading!!! Peace out! ✌️


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