And the New Year Begins

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You hugged your Mum and Dad goodbye as you carried your luggage onto the train along with your cat. You settled into the same compartment you always sit and rested your head against the wall. You absentmindedly played with the hem of your shirt.

A light knock sounded by the door, and you looked up to see........Hermione.

"Hey Hermione!" You said sweetly patting the seat across from you so she could sit.

"Hey Y/n! Our 6th year at Hogwarts is already here, that means only two more years of O.W. L.'s!" Hermione sighed and rested her head in her hand.

"Really? That's what your concerned about....oh Hermione" you chuckled at your friend.

Another knock was heard and you and Hermione looked up to see Ron looking sheepishly at Hermione. Without saying a single word Hermione sprinted out of the door and wrapped her arms around Ron who guided her away.

"Well bye then..." you whispered underneath your breathe.

You rested your head on the wall again and this time someone rested their head on your shoulder. You didn't even have to question who it was.

"What took you so long Neville?" You ran your fingers through his soft hair and he nuzzled into your embrace.

"I- I forgot what compartment number we sit in."

"You dork, we sit in the same compartment every time!" You giggled at him. He has a tendency to forget things and it too adorable.

"I know, I can't help it I just forgot!" He protested sitting up and grabbing your hands.

He held them together and brought them up to his lips pressing a kiss to your knuckles. You smiled softly this time nuzzling into his embrace, entwining one of your hands in his and kissing him on his cheek that now had some stubble.

You two enjoyed each other company until it was time to get dressed in your school uniforms. The train horn then went off announcing that you guys had arrived at Hogwarts and to unload your stuff of the train and make your way to Hogwarts. You stood on your tippy toes to reach for your suitcase that was on the rack, but Neville quickly reaches his arm up and grabbed it for you. You tried grabbing it from him but he wouldn't budge so you just picked up your cat and followed behind him to the carriages.

There was only one carriage left with Hermione, Ron, Harry, Luna, and only one more spot was available.

"Guess I'll walk" you stated not really caring there was nothing wrong with a good walk.

"Yea I don't think so, c'mon you'll have to sit on my lap." He said with a small smirk visible on his face, even though he was trying his best to hide it.

You stoped on to the carriage and sat on Neville's lap, still holding your cat while the whole carriage fell silent.

"My, have you changed Neville!" Luna said in her dreamy tone.

Neville's face reddened "Uhh....I guess..." he muttered out.

Luna didn't mean any harm, besides Neville has always been perfect in your opinion, but that probably wasn't going to stop the girls at Hogwarts from gawking at him.

You adjusted your skirt and crossed your legs blushing a light pink since Ron and Harry were wiggling their eyebrows at Neville. You looked up to see the castle and Neville moved his hand to rest on your thigh. Sheesh why did the road have to be so bumpy? 

Finally you his got out of your carriage and entered the castle making your way to the Great Hall for super. Quiet honestly Hogwarts never did you guys wrong with food, it was always perfection but the elves ought to be thanked once in awhile.

You guys were already two weeks into your 6th year now and that means the quidditch tryouts were being hosted again.  You had to wake up early as usual to get get ready for the tryouts but Neville woke up with you so he could support you. You were a nervous wreck since you had to re-try out for the team but Neville convinced you that you'd be brilliant.

You squeezed his hand as you walked to the quidditch field "Wish me luck!" You said giving him a hug before your departure.

"You don't need luck you've got this Love!" He said cheerfully kissing you on the head before sending you off to the field.

It took awhile for Harry and Ginny to quite the crowd, but after that they explained the rules and the tryouts were off. You noticed that Ron was trying out this year and sure enough Hermione was cheering him on in the crowd. You two haven't talked since you arrived at Hogwarts and it was really bothering. You shook your thoughts trying to focus on the game.

The match was over and you did your best, Ron most defiantly did his best he blocked every ball coming at him.

Back at the common room everyone cheered the Grifindor team on while you looked around for Neville. Someone suddenly grabbed your scarf causing you to turn around and Neville pulled you in by the scarf for a kiss.

"Woah" was all that left your lips.

"See, I told you didn't need luck! You made the team, I'm so proud of you!!" He cheerfully pulled you in for a hug.

The common room got louder as they cheered for Ron to see if he made the team and with his performance of course he did. The crowd got louder with cheers of joy until Lavender brown walked up to him and pulled him in for a kiss right in the lips. 

Your eyes nearly popped out of your head, you were going to kill that red head literally. Hermione! Where's Hermione!!?You thought to your self as you scurried through the crowd to find her.

Welp it not the best cliff hanger but it will do. And yes I did do changes to some scenes around, please don't get mad!Soo I want to thank you guys for almost 4,000 reads!!! That's amazing I can't believe my book has gotten this far, and it's all thanks to my wonderful readers so thank you!! Please feel free to give me some more ideas for future chapters because I need some ideas until my "plots" come into play. Please keep reading and vote! Until the next chapter my Potterheads.-Tara

Word count 1073

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