Up all night thinking about Neville

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You were in the bathroom finishing up brushing your teeth. Once you rinsed your toothbrush you got into bed rather early.You wanted to wake up early to double check you had all your things packed and get to the train on time.Something was bothering you though.Ever since your mom made a little comment of saying Neville was a real gentleman you couldn't help but think of Neville being more than a friend.
"Bloody hell he's my best friend why would I think of him like that" you thought to yourself."Maybe cause his accent is adorable and not to mention he is really cute when he is shy..." she were basically arguing with yourself now.

You looked at your clock and it was already 10:00. You sighed.

"Maybe I could make a pro and con list for liking him, or even dating him.....yeah that's what I'll do" you thought to yourself.

You got out of bed and pulled out a piece of paper and your quil.
-his adorable accent. *you don't wanna ruin your friendship
-the way he try's to compete with you in herbology is cute. *he probably only thinks of you as a friend
-his shyness (its cute an you know it 😏)
-always is a gentleman
-maybe helping him come out of his shell
-he would never do you wrong in a relationship
-he always blushes if you compliment him

"Great, I have more pros than cons" you thought to yourself
You glanced at your clock again and it was already 12:00 .You crawled back into bed with the piece of paper still in your hand .Reading over you list once more you couldn't help but think about all the pros of liking (or dating) Neville.

I think I like my best friend" you finally said out loud.

You fell asleep shortly after this with the paper in your arms.When your mom came to wake you up that morning she saw the piece of paper in your hand and very gently took it out of your hands to set it on your desk.But of course your mother being the curious mom she is she read it and couldn't help but smile to herself.

Okay well that's enough for this chapter. I'm sorry this chapter is short again for it's mostly dialogue and your list but Thank you so much for reading. If you could please comment on your ideas or suggestions that would be great. Thanks again for reading byyyyyeeeeeee!!!!


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