7 minutes in Heaven

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You had just finished playing a Quidditch game against huffle puff and you joyfully won. You and Neville  always have some after get to get togethers with fellow Gryffindor people but you always fund youself in this postion. Because here you are in the abandoned girls bathroom with Neville, Fred, George, Harry, Hermione, Lavender, Hannah, Ginny, Ron, and Malfoy for some.

"Alright, who was the bloody idiot who invited a couple!?" yelled George looking at people with an accusing finger raised.

"Guy's were in Gryffindor why shouldn't we be here?" you asked.

"Becasue we aren't here to celebrate are victory, were here to play 7 minutesin heaven!!!" yelled Ron with a wude grin on his face.

You and Neville looked at eachother and started to get up to leave.

"No no no sit back down becasue your here now and your playing!" said Fred

"Now lets see who is going first" said Harry as he waved his wand.

Instead of using a bottle Harry made a spell that randomly picked two peoples name and read them aloud.

"Hermione annnnddd....Draco! What are you even doing here Draco?" Harry said sort of puzzled.

"Nevertheless go into a stall will sound proof it ......just in case" Ginny said interrupting Harry's thought.

Ron looked very angry but not like he would do anything about it. Everyone just waited patiently for them to come out of the stall looking mad at one another. Instead Hermione came put with a flush face and what seemed to be a hickey on her neck (Dramione anyone?😏 )

"Neville your turn" Ron said as he spun the bottle. Meanwhile Neville gave you a concerned look.

"Its okay Neville its just a game, not like you have to do anything " you held his hand and he gave it a tight squeeze.

"Ahh well Nev you've gotten Hannah" Ron pointed to the the stall and Neville dreadfully got up while Hannah rushed towards the room. When 7 minutes passed George quickly opended the door. Everyone looked towards Neville and Hannah, and saw her giving him a french kiss.

Part 2? Sorey this chapter is kinda cliché but it gets better I promise. Thank you for reading byeee!   -Tara

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